Chapter 2: Class Meeting

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(The next day, obviously)

This is ridiculous! He isn't saying anything about yesterday! He's just sitting there laughing with our classmates.

Apparently, no one notices you for being first to class. You're no eye-catcher for someone who comes when half the class is already there.

But, yeah, so it turns out that "Mr. Friendly" over here doesn't know the meaning of rude. It was so embarrassing to suddenly get out of the line and walk out of that cafeteria. Isn't he a wee bit guilty about leaving me behind without saying a word?

Whatever. It's not something worth thinking about.

Right now, that's the least of my worries. Filipino Day was coming up and our class hasn't prepared anything yet. And if you were wondering, I'm in front of the class asking for ideas from everyone.

"We could do something like a folk dance," one says.

"That sounds like a good idea, but that's kind of what our PE class is going to be next semester."

Giggles come from somewhere in the class.

"How about a contemporary dance? We have a few talented dancers here," another says.

"I'm not sure Principal Diamond would approve of that. And he wants the whole class to participate, not just a few."

The giggles turn into laughter, obviously from the back row.

"Why not sing a song? Practically the whole class can sing, especially the people from choir," Ryan suggests.

"Definitely. But simply singing a song doesn't give much of an audience impact."

The laughter becomes so loud that literally everyone in the building can hear them.

"Hey! Something funny over there? We're all coming up with ideas here while all y'all's doing is fucking it up!" Jessica shouts.

He's over there with the kids that were laughing. They're still smiling like their funny biz hasn't sunk in yet and as if they didn't listen to what Jessica had to say.

This is getting bad. What do I do?

He stands up and starts to talk, "What about we pick our best singers, a quartet perhaps, and have them sing a song. While they're singing, maybe we could act out historical events that remind us of what being a Filipino is. That way, we could have everyone participate."

What do I say? Stop freaking out. Keep your cool. He's the least of your worries, right? But-

"I volunteer as singer. I don't want to act," Colin insists.

"You'll make the best singer, babe," Ryan assures him.

"I guess that's not such a bad idea. Um, Maddie, could you start writing out a script on what events we'll act out. Courtney, maybe you can help her with that. Colin, since you've volunteered as a singer, find three others to form your quartet. And while you're at it, pick a song you're going to sing and report to Maddie ASAP. Ryan and Jessica, you can think of possible choreographies, anything about the stage presentation. Everyone else can work on props. Sound good?"

Everyone agrees, except Jessica, who doesn't say a word.

She's probably still pissed off at them. He totally nullified her words.

"Settle down, everyone. Alec, please take your seat," Professor Emerald says as he enters the room.

"Yes, sir." And class begins

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