Chapter 7: All in One Day

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After a long walk, I finally reached the dorms. I headed for my room, feeling so down. I charged my phone, took a shower, and put on some fresh clothes.

The whole time I kept thinking of that damn paper bag. The only thing I know about him is that he works at McDonald's. I still remember his face, though. He was a bit charming, so to speak.

I turned on my phone and all the notifications flooded in. I turned on the Wi-Fi connection and more notifications flooded in. There were useless Facebook notifs, a few emails, and hundreds of messages and mentions. The text messages were mostly from Jessica, which were obviously full of curses and bad words. Some were from the network provider and their advisories.

Huh? Who's this?

Among the messages from Messenger, there was a message request from a certain someone. I recognized the profile picture right away.

It's him! It's Mr. Delivery Guy! Blake. That's his name!

My eyes lit up.

How in the world did he find me? Oh, right. He knows my name.

I read the message he sent, "Hey, this is just in case you lost my number. I'll talk to you here if you don't mind. I'm the delivery guy from last night, if you've already forgotten."

I wrote him back, "No, I haven't forgotten. But, yes, I lost the paper bag. I'll definitely pay you back, I promise."

I noticed that he sent his message around four hours ago.

Early in the morning, eh?

He was also online since four hours ago.

Probably one of the last messages he sent.

Out of the bad things that happened since yesterday, this was definitely a mood changer. I felt so happy. So happy that I didn't notice the time it took to prepare and catch up on my phone.

Shit! It's already 9:42.

I got up, picked up my bag, and started packing up. I noticed another bag on the floor.


I picked it up and left, heading for his room. I searched inside for his keys.

It must be around here somewhere.

I became cautious to prevent finding that thing from last night once again.

I searched in the big pocket which had a book, a notebook, a pencil case, and... 

A folded paper bag?

I took it out and placed the bag down. It seemed awfully familiar. I unfolded it only to find that it was the paper bag with Blake's number.

What is this doing here?

I crumpled up the paper bag and threw it in the trash.

Oh wait, get the number first.

I un-crumpled the paper, saved the number on my phone, crumpled it up again, and threw it in the trash.

Why in the hell would he have it in his bag?

This was absolutely not the time for dawdling around. I gave up searching for his keys and threw his bag beside his dorm room door.

"That's what you get for... for... You know what you did!" I shouted at the bag.

I turned around and saw the janitor staring at me.

"Uh, hey. I was just..."

He shook his head and continued on with his work.

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