Chapter 17: Signal Lost

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Christmas seasons in the Philippines are the best. Even if there are three months before December, you'd see Christmas decorations everywhere. The malls have their Christmas soundtracks playing. It's nice having to be home for the holidays.

But what's not nice is the fact that I was doubting his words. His dad has cancer? Did I hear that right? It just doesn't add up. Prof. Emerald told me that he didn't have any relatives nearby. And after all the worrying and hurrying to the hospital, he tells it straight to my face that I shouldn't have come and that he wanted to be alone for a while.

So here I am, back at home with nothing to do except contemplate my life decisions.


"Time to eat, kiddo," Pa says at the other side of the door.

"No, thanks. Not hungry."

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Well, that's the only reply you're getting."

"Alec, come out, now."

"I'm gay."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Go away."

Pa didn't respond and walked away.

Have I officially come out to my parents? I guess. After having a breakdown due to the heartbreak from Dylan, I thought telling my parents was the best thing to do. But no, it wasn't. They didn't believe a word I said. The topic never came up in conversation anymore. I guess they were uncomfortable talking about it and thought that it would eventually just go away.

Five minutes later and again, I hear knocking on the door.

"I said go away!"

"Nah, I'm not leaving until you open this door," said a girl's voice.

"Jessica? What are you doing here?"

"What else? We're going shopping!"

"You shop every day! Go do it by yourself!"

"Nu-uh. Today's special!"

"Yeah, right."

"Open this door or else!"

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'll tell him that you wrote a song about him."

"Ha! Joke's on you, that song isn't about him!"

"Then, I'll tell Dylan."

"Dylan? He's too stupid for that!"

"Then, today, I'll be paying for anything and everything."

I opened the door.



Of course, the mall would be flooding with people. Everything's on sale! Luckily for us, Jessica has prestigious privileges.

"This vest would look great on you!" Jessica showed me a cotton vest which I've always wanted to buy.

"I know. It's a good thing I'm not paying for it."

"Just grab whatever you like. I got you."

It's not that I'm taking advantage of her or her money, but I'm not that heartless. Maybe at some point, I would offer to pay for it, even if she rejects it.

"So... How are you holding up? You locked yourself in your room," Jessica asked.

"Not so great. Ever since we left the hospital, something's been bugging me."

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