Chapter 4: A Trap, Obviously

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Just in case you were wondering, the clinic was a separate building from the main building. It's quite far from all the offices and classrooms, but near the gymnasium, soccer field, and main gate.

The room he was in was just a small one. There was just a bed, a table and a chair inside, one window on the side, but not even a TV.

By the window, there was that bench-type space that could fit an average-sized person lying down. It had a long foam to make it comfy.

There was no bathroom and the closest one was one door away outside. It was just meant to be a resting area where patients were put into.

Nope, he wasn't staring at me. He was staring at the door.

"Oh, but of course, your highness," I turn around to close the door while making an annoyed face.

My phone buzzes and I receive another text.

"Had work to do. Take care of him. TY," said the text.

Gee, thanks, Prof. Emerald.

"It's okay to sit down, you know," he noticed that I was facing the door this whole time.

"Oh, no. I was just reading a text I got from Prof. Emerald."

"No, I think you're just shy."

Men and their assumptive attitudes, am I right?

"So, what did the doctor say?"

"Not much. It's nothing serious. It's happened before, so you don't need to worry."

Happened before? That's odd.

"You mean you've been in a fight?"

He shifted his position while trying to speak, "That's not what I mea- ow!"

His body was obviously still sore from all the punches.

"Hey. Take it easy... bro."

Seriously? Bro?

He lets out a deep sigh.

"You shouldn't have intercepted me and Dylan," I decide to tell him.

"Yeah. I think I shouldn't have. Then you'd be the one lying down on this bed all sore."

"He'd never hurt me if that's what you were trying to prevent."

"Oh yeah? Explain that to your wrist."

I look down at my wrist and notice that it was a bit purple.

I didn't realize this until now. How could I have forgotten about myse- oh wait. He happened.

Just like any other weakling high school boy, I'm vulnerable every little thing.

"You should get some ice for that," he says, but looks away.

"Yeah, I guess," I stood up and headed towards the door.


Ugh, what now?

I turn around and he's got this smirk on his face.

"My bag?"

"Oh! Of course! Ahehe."

It was still on my back and I have forgotten about that as well.

What is up with me and forgetting stuff today? Idiot.

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