Chapter 8: Date/s

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A/N Before viewing/listening to the video above, please read the story first. It will be said when to listen to it. Thanks. On with the story...


The long weekend was highly unproductive. No one moved muscle, savoring each and every moment of rest.

I, on the other hand, spent the last 13 hours thinking about Blake. Okay, maybe not exactly about Blake, but about what he said.

I'm not prepared for anything like this.

He seems like a good person, you can trust him.

All this seems sketchy.

You're overthinking.

There's nothing wrong about being too cautious.

I just don't want to get hurt again.

Again. Hurt again. The last time I trusted someone, they betrayed me. I was left all alone. What makes this time any different?

But it's not like I haven't moved on from all that. It's not healthy to dwell in your past.

Maybe, it's time to start again? I've got nothing left to lose.

Sigh. Believe it or not, my sigh triggered my guitar, causing the string to vibrate at a resonance. Call me a nerd or whatever, but, every object has a relative pitch. You know how singers can shatter a wine glass by a loud and high pitched scream? Technical terms aside, that's similar to how the guitar strings work. You probably wont understand, but you can try it out for yourself. Sing as the same pitch as one of the guitar strings. (I can't believe I just explained all that lol.)

The sudden sound caught my attention.

It's been a while since I last touched my guitar.

I picked it up, tuned the strings, and gave it one gentle strum.

*refer to video*

*plays a D chord*

Ah, yes. One of my favorite chords.

My mom taught me how to play guitar and that was the first chord she ever taught me. But, as time passed by, I learned more than she could teach. I'll be forever grateful to her for introducing me guitars.

A thought came into my mind.

Why don't I start writing a song again?

Back then, when I wrote a song, something bad happened. I might still be traumatized from that. But, music is my passion.

I shouldn't let this thing ruin the things I love doing.

I took out a pen and a notebook and started writing down chords and a bit of lyrics. I became so immersed that I had completely forgotten about the hiccup earlier.


Today's the day.

Yes, today, the amazing Blake convinced me to spend the day with him. Yet, everything was a mystery. He didn't say a thing about where we'd go, what we'd do, how to get there, nothing.

All he said was that he'd pick me up by the dormitory by 10 AM. And here I was, preparing since 6 AM, prepared at 9 AM.

Am I too early? No, there's nothing wrong with being too early. You never know what problems may come beforehand.

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