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"And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars"

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"And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars"


Slamming the glass on the table she chuckle bitterly, the loud blasting sound of music didn't effect her. The alcohol in her system making her more crazy.

she shake her head and laugh, she laugh holding her head and mess up her hairs, she had ready torn her dress from her knees

"What is so funny, pretty lady?" A drunk man ask her sitting beside her.

"You wanna know?" she raise her eyebrows waving her hand in the air clearly drunk.

"If it make you feel good then why not?" The man said stumbling on his chair, she nod her head and chuckle.

"you see my clothes. this expensive dress, today was my sister's wedding." she said.

"Oh congratulations." he clap his hand smiling like a creep, she scoff.

"do you know who was the groom."


"The man who I love since we were kids." she was about to fall but she hold the table and laugh again.

"oh....gurl your sister snatch your love from you." she nod her head still smiling.

"but he doesn't like me at all. It seems like he hates me." she mumble again.

"don't give up. get what is yours, you silly girl." he give her a advice.

"So-young." jong-suk shouted her name when he spot her in the club.

"So-young." he came towards her and hold her.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, he was angry with her, she left without saying anything.

"Are you the man she is talking about?"

"Shh..no he is not him, this is my brother." she grab his collar and pull him down.

"See doesn't we look alike." so-young giggle squeezing jong-suk cheek making him annoyed.

"shut up so-young and let's go from here." he said and drag her out of the club.


Jong-suk stop the car out of their house, so-young being drunk she was mumbling some word which he quiet didn't understand.

He walk out of his car and walk to her side and open the door. he grab her forearm and pull her out carefully

"LET GO." so-young shouted before pushing him, he stumble on his feet and look at her in shock.


"W...why are you here, huh? why did you bring me back. go....go to your baby sister who you love so much." she said.

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