T W E N T Y F I V E (1/2)

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"I know you love me the way I love you

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"I know you love me the way I love you."

1 Month later;

Taehyung groan when someone shake him. he want to sleep more but look like the person doesn't want him to do that.

"Tae." he hear her voice calling him. he hum lightly.

"Wake up tae." her voice sound weak making him open his eyes. he turn his head and look at her.

"What happened?" he frown looking at her. she look like she was going somewhere.

"Wake up or you will be late." she said.

"Where are you going?" he asked in his morning husky voice.

"I have to leave early to submit my assignment."she said and turn around only to feel dizzy.

"Are you okay?" even tho he was still sleepy but he sit on the bed and hold her hand before she stumble.

"Y...yes I am fine." she shake her head and smile at him.

"Get ready. you have a meeting today." she said again.

"How did you know?" he asked

"Soobin-si texted me yesterday. he asked me to wake you up since he is scared to do so." she said grabbing her bag.

"at least have your breakfast." he again said in worry.

"It was the first thing I did. I was so hungry. okay now I am leaving. bye have a good day." she said quickly kissing on his forehead lightly and rush out of the room.

Taehyung frown once again. she doesn't look herself for past few days. They both were busy with their work that they never get time to spend together.

she spend half of her day in her study to finish her assignment while he was busy with his business project.

Taehyung sigh but smile appear on his face when he remember what is gonna do today.

I am gonna make you day much better,baby

At University:

"I fucking hate maths." Yeonjun shouted. y/n shake her head smiling lightly.

"I mean why the fuck that Maths ask us to find his ex. go do it yourself." y/n giggle at his stupidness. Yeonjun frown annoyingly.

A small gasp left her lips when she again started to feel dizzy and hold Yeonjun forearms. he look at her in concern.

"Hey? are you okay?" he asked holding her shoulder.

"Y...ya just a little dizzy." she said. she sigh closing her eyes. Yeonjun put the back of his hand on her forehead.

"You don't have fever." he said. she nod her head.

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