T W E N T Y E I G H T (2/2)

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"You were my start and forever will be'

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"You were my start and forever will be'

She stare at him in shock and disbelief. is he really going to divorce her. her hand trembling holding to the papers in her hand. Taehyung sigh.

"Sign them. I will sign them later." he said and turn around to walk away but her weak voice stop him.

"B...but why?" Taehyung gulp fighting with his tears.

"Have I done something wrong?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"It's better for both of us to part our ways y/n. we are not good for each other." he said still not turning around.

"But y...you said you will never leave. t...then what is all of this? Taehyung......

she pause while tears roll down from her face even more.

"Do you not love me anymore?" he close his eyes and finally those tears make their way down from his cheek.

"I...Is this because W...we lost the baby. I...I knew It was all because of me. I know I was being childish. b... but you promised." she said while sobbing. her sobs make him feel like someone is squeezing his heart painfully.

"What about the all those things you said. were you lying? you said you love me then why are you leaving me Taehyung? I don't have anyone other then you and oppa. h... how can you do this to me." Her voice was getting louder and louder. Taehyung turn around only to find her on the floor hugging her knees.

"DO I EVEN MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" he know this will effect her but in that way he never expect.

"you will find someone better-

"I DON'T WANT ANYONE BETTER. I ONLY WANT YOU. WHY AM I NOT CLEAR?" she looks angry. her red angry eyes snap towards him making him flinch. she stood up angrily while glaring at him. Taehyung was scared of her sudden change in behavior.

"You want me to sign those papers right?" she asked. He didn't say anything. he doesn't know what she will do out of anger.

he watch her picking up the papers and she did something which make him bite his lips.

She tore the paper right in front of him.

"Now what you gonna do huh?" she said stepping forward. taehyung stood there frozen.his heart beating like drum.


she point her finger at him. her lips form into a small pout. her nose turn red from crying and her cheeks were puffy.

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