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"Our love is untouchable "

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"Our love is untouchable "

5 Years Later:

She move in her sleep covering herself with a soft duvet snuggling into the pillow. It was cold and she was shivering a little.

Feeling long fingers in her hairs she sigh. she slowly open her eyes and met with the handsome face of her husband smiling at her. he was sitting right beside her caressing her hairs.

"When did you come back?" she asked turning around and hug his waist.

"Just an hour ago." she nod.

"I missed you." she said making him smile.

"I missed you too." his hands reach to her back and he trace his fingers up and down.

"How was your trip?" he was on a business trip for a week. Taehyung lean closer and kiss her forehead.

"Everything went well."

"Why are you sleeping at this hours, honey. Are you okay?" He asked in worry.

"I was just feeling tired after coming from studio. I lay down for a bit but then I fall a sleep." she giggle snuggling more in the side of his waist.

"you are overworking, aren't you?" Taehyung sigh shaking his head

"I told you so many times to take care of yourself. your health comes first. why you never listen to me?" Y/n giggle after he scold her.

"What's so funny?" he asked being a little angry.

"Don't you think you have heard this somewhere." she asked. Taehyung roll his eyes. he just repeat the same thing that she always say to him.

"Okay okay I am sorry. I just had to finish the last designs before the meeting. don't worry I am okay." he nod his head

"now get up or we will be late. hyung strictly told me to not to be late like namjoon hyung." she chuckle and sat on the bed pushing her hairs back.

Taehyung stare at her figure. It's been 5 years now. she was still the same. her worries were still the same. her heart, her giggles, her smile. she doesn't even change. he watch her growing up from a little girl to a little woman.

his little woman.

"I will go get ready then." she said and kiss his cheek. Jumping out of the bed she quickly ran into her closet to find her clothes.

Taehyung shake his head at her childishness with smile.

Time skip

Time skip

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