T W E N T Y F I V E (2/2)

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"Your love is what give me strength

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"Your love is what give me strength.
you are the one who make me happy."

His lips curve into a smile as he stare at the doctor in disbelief. The first thing came in his mind was

Is she ready for this big step?

It was no doubt that he was happy after hearing this news but he was also worried after what happened back at the home.

"But there is something you should know." The doctor further said. he look at him.

"What is it?" The doctor sigh. his face turn into a serious one. and the next thing he said make him even more sad

"Your wife Mr. Kim is still not ready to bare a child." Taehyung frown.

"What doesn't that mean? Is she having any problem?" he asked in worry.

"her body is still weak. seems like she has not been taking care of her health and diet. she seems to look stressed and this is not good. you have to take care of her more now. A little carelessness can lead you to a big lose Mr. Kim. I hope you understand what I am saying." Taehyung was shocked. not able to say anything. so will he lose his baby and wife both.

"Just make sure she eat healthy and don't stress herself. everything will be alright." The doctor pat his shoulder and took his leave. Taehyung lean his head against the wall and tears pool in his eyes.

he has to be strong. They did not plan for a baby as he knows that she still want to study and want to do so much in future. but he was also happy. but was she happy?

he sigh and decided to go into the room. he have to clear things out between them. what she saw wasn't how it looks like.

He open the door slowly and went in the room only to find her awake sitting on the bed. she was hugging her stomach and there was a soft smile on her lips.

Feeling a presence in the room she turn her head towards the door and the smile disappear just by looking at him. Taehyung sigh.

He walk toward her while she kept looking at her with hurt in her eyes. he sat on the chair beside the bed and was about to take her hands.

"No.... please don't." she pull her hands away from him making his heart break.

"Y/n..... please let me explain." he said.

"W..what is there to explain huh? how will you explain me about you being on the top of my sister. how will you explain me about that picture taehyung." Tears roll down from her eyes.

"Y/n it's not how it was. what you saw was misunderstanding. I am not cheating. I swear." he said. there was a knock on the door which interrupt them. The door was opened reveling jong-suk.

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