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"I'll confess to you,with the moon as our light

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"I'll confess to you,
with the moon as our light.

A week later:

It was raining.

and like always there she was jumping in the rain with a huge smile on her lips. she smile widely looking at Taehyung who was standing a bit far not really want to go in rain.

she gesture him to come out with her but he just shook his head with a smile. he admire her soaked figure.

she is gorgeous.

y/n walk toward him and hold his hands trying to pull him outside.

"Baby you know I don't-

"Let's forget about the bad old memories and make a new memories, come please." she said giving him her puppy eyes.

Taehyung sigh and walk out in the rain letting himself soaked in the rain. she giggle when he made a weird face.

"Come on let's dance." Taehyung hold her hand and place a kiss on the back of her hand.

he pull her closer wrapping his on arm around her waist and other holding her hand. her hand rest on his shoulder and he move back and forth.

Taehyung chuckle looking at her blushing cheek. she was so damn shy and he loves it. they smile at each other. taehyung look at her with so much adoration

Standing near the glass window of his room Jimin smile holding his baby in his arms. he was happy for his friend. A cold guy who was soft only for his wife. he like this side of taehyung.

"What happened babe?" Jess asked standing beside him.

"look." he said. Jess look outside and awe at how good they were looking.

" they are so adorably cute." Jimin chuckle.

"Taehyung is happy now." Jimin nod. Jess wrap her hands around his bicep and put her head on his shoulder.

"Why were you not like this?" she pout. Jimin frown.

"what do you mean? we were a famous couple in highschool. I was so nice with you. ya how can you say this." she scoff.

"You were a fucking playboy, only I remember how many time I had breakup with you."

"Aish why can't you appreciate my efforts." Jimin pout.

"Stop acting like a cute mochi."

"ya you are so bad." he pout even more. making her chuckle.

"Aish stop acting like a kid." she kiss his cheek ruffling his hairs and walk toward the bed.

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