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Mention of Self harm:

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Mention of Self harm:

Her breath were heavy as she close her eyes feeling the sharp object piercing through the skin of her wrist. she wince in pain as the tears roll down from her cheek along with the blood from her wrist. Opening her eyes she took a deep breath and chuckle looking at the deep cuts on her hand and thighs.

"so? Are you happy now?" hearing a echoing voice she look in front where the large mirror was hanging.

"Are you happy lee so-young? After ruining your own life are you happy?" It was her reflection that was talking. she tilted her head and look at it with her teary eyes.

even her own reflection was laughing at her. on her pathetic state. she know she need help. her mental state wasn't good at all.

but she herself push everyone away from her. her anger issues were getting worse. was it anyone else fault? no it wasn't.

she was just letting out her anger on people. her mother was the only person who understand her. but after her death she feel alone even tho her brother and father was always around her making sure she is okay.

for her. her little sister was the reason of her mother's death. her miserable life. her broken relationship with taehyung.

but she forgot. you can never get something which is not written in your fate.

"feeling defeated. Aren't you? even after trying so hard to separate them you still not able to push them away from each other. how pathetic" it laugh. so-young shake her head covering her ears.

"N...no. shut up. just shut up" she mumble.

"look at yourself. you can't do anything. you are useless"

"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP." she grab vase from the table and throw it on the mirror making it crack.

she cried. scream. clenching on her hairs she cried. she was burning in rage. her eyes were red and her face was swollen.

She was gonna do something she will regret soon.

4 days later:

"Noooo don't do this" she whine hold tightly on his neck making him smirk evilly.

"Why not baby....just try to swim by yourself." he said making her shake her head. Taehyung went more into the water making her scream more.

"Noooo please take me out." she screamed in his ears making him close his eyes. he know she was scared of deep water.

It was their second week at Jeju and he was trying to teach her how to swim but she wasn't letting him go.

"I am hear okay I will not let anything happen to you. don't you trust me." she shake her head knowing his evil intensions too.

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