T W E N T Y E I G H T (1/2)

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"I wish I could smile for you with this pain in my heart

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"I wish I could smile for you with this pain in my heart."

Mrs. Kim cried holding on her husband hand. she just couldn't believe that they lost a little unborn.

Taehyung was sitting near his unconscious wife his head hung low and his hands were tightly holding on her hands.

he was thinking that it's all just a bad nightmare and he will wake up soon and his wife and baby will be completely fine.

but it was a reality.

More tears roll down from his eyes. he couldn't see his mother breaking down in front of him. he know how happy she was.

she even started buying things for his child. cute little toys. Little jumpers and onesie. he was so fluttered and overwhelmed by all of that.

His glossy eyes snap towards the small figure of his wife when he hear a little groan. his grip tighten around her hands. he was worried about how to tell her.

she slowly open her eyes and met with an unfamiliar white ceiling. she blink her eyes and look around. she frown in confusing looking at her mother-in-law who was sniffling.

her eyes went towards her husband to ask what happened to her but she stop looking at his sad face. she lightly tilted her head and then it hit her.

she remember everything that happens few hours ago. her lips tremble and her eyes watered. her hand press on her flat stomach where once her baby was.

"T....the baby?" her eyes search for the answer in his. she want him to tell her that everything is okay. she look at Mrs. Kim who wipe her tears quickly.

"Why mom is crying?" she try to sit up but feel a sharp pain in her abdomen. Taehyung stood up and slightly push her back.

"Be careful. just lay down honey." his voice shake making her eyes tear up.

she instantly know that why she was having a feeling of emptiness.

"It's gone, right?" she asked. Taehyung froze for a while and gulp when she burst into tears.

"No....I...It can't be happening. My baby." she cried. Taehyung couldn't stop himself from crying. she clenched on the sheet.

"Please tell me It's a lie. please." Taehyung shake his head while tears roll down from his eyes. she cried louder and louder.

Sitting beside her he can do nothing but scoop her in his arms and hug her tightly. His parents leave the room giving them so privacy. she hold on his shirt tightly in the pain of losing her child.

"I.....I am sorry. I am s...sorry Tae. It's my fault. I...If only I wasn't this stubborn the baby will be with us. I am so sorry." she said burying her face in his chest. Taehyung shake his head and stroke her hairs.

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