T W E N T Y S E V E N (2/2)

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After Taehyung-ssi left I sat on my bed thinking about everything that was happening.

Am I wrong here?

After everything that happened. it's really hard for me. but I know I am doing wrong by keep the baby all to myself.

he is the father and he deserves to be with it. create some memories with his first born. The feel of being a mother is so blissful. I wonder how he will feel being with the baby till it come to this world.

I was wrong here. I did a mistake. I think I should go back. yes I will go back tomorrow. I caress my flat tummy and smile.

"We are going back home baby. Are you excited to meet dada?" I said. I turn to pick up my phone to call him and tell him I am coming back.

But I frown When I saw the trophy on the night stand. did he forget it here? I pick up my phone to call him but got interupted by the door bell.

It must be Taehyung-ssi. maybe he remember that he forgot his award here. I stood up and walk downstairs. the bell was constantly ringing like someone was in hurry.

I reach to the door and open it but expected someone else


She frown looking at the person standing on front of her.

"U......Unnie?" she said. So-young blink her eyes and smile lightly.

"Hey..... how are you y/n?" she asked. her voice was soft. but her smile.her smile wasn't soft or warming.

"What.....are you doing here?" Y/n asked being completely confused.

"I came to clear things out. I realized what I did was wrong. can we sit and talk?"She asked. y/n blink her eyes thinking about letting her in or not.

she stupidly nod her head making her smile more and let her in. which doesn't know was her mistake.

They stood in the living room. she look at her sister who was looking around raising her eyebrows.

"Why are you here again?" Y/n asked again. she doesn't like the way she was behaving.

"you see I really didn't want to do what I did. I don't know what comes over me and I did all that. trust me y/n. I never wanted to hurt you but......

y/n frown hearing her. was she really apologizing or it was something else she as hiding.

"But you make me want to hurt you even more." her voice turn soft to dark. her hand reach to her bag which she was holding all this time and pull out something that make her shock as well.

"W...what are you doing?" she asked. getting terrified by her own sister. she step back covering her stomach. she swing the sharp object in her hand and a smirk appear on her lips.

"You have no Idea. how much I want to get rid of you." her head snap toward her making her flinch.

"You really think I will let you go after you took everything from me. I am not a fool. come here y/n." she said when she saw her stepping back.

"Come her darling. I promise It will not hurt that much." y/n shake her head in fear looking at her sister in disbelief.

"Please unnie. why are you doing this?" so-young chuckle.

"Isn't it obvious. I hate you. I hate you so much y/n. wasn't mom dad and oppa enough that you took taehyung too."

"I ..I didn't take anyone from you. I deserve them that's why I have them in my life. you are being selfish." y/n said. while tears stream down her face. her grip tighten around the knife she was hold.

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