T W E N T Y O N E (1/2)

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"guess we were ships in the night"

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"guess we were ships in the night"


I trace my nose on her expose shoulder as she was sleeping peacefully in my arms. even tho she was wearing my shirt which was way to big for her small body. I couldn't help myself for touching her.

My fingers dip in soft skin of her waist as I kiss her collarbone. removing the shirt from her shoulder I kiss her soft skin. I nuzzle my face in her hairs inhaling her scent

she smells like me.

A small smile appear on my lips when I think about last night. the feeling was blissful and heavenly. I feel her against me. she was just so fragile for me that I was afraid that if I hold her a bit tightly I will break her.

I know that it doesn't make sense, but this is what I thought that time. I was so happy. never in a million years I have even though that a little girl will make my heart flutter like this. hell I never thought that I will ever fall in love.

but she make it possible. she melt this cold heart. she teach me what love is. I was completely clueless.

she move a bit and snuggle into my bare chest. I want her to wake up but she looks so peaceful.  my fingers vanish into her soft hairs as I caress it softly. she hum in her sleep and hug me even more tightly. she is just too cute

so this is how you feel when you are in love.

I pull back a little and look at her face. my eyes went to her neck where I saw the marks I left last night. was I too rough?

I press my thumb on the red mark with a frown on my face. did I hurt her? I was looking at her neck when she slowly open her eyes. waking up from her sleep looking like a baby.

I look at her and give her a smile. she stare at me literally being confused but then her cheek turn red and she hide her face in my chest making me chuckle.

"Good morning, My love." I whispered tucking the string of her hairs behind her ear. she doesn't even look at me. she was too shy.

"Good morning Taehyung-ssi." she finally look at me while biting her lower lips. I roll my eyes.

"This is not what you were calling me last night baby" I tease her. her eyes widen and she try to hide again but I won't let her.

I took her face in my big hands and hold it firmly. smiling at her cute face I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't tease me. you meanie." she mumble. a pout appear on her lips and she frown.

"I am sorry, honey but you look so cute." I chuckle. pushing my nose on her soft cheek.

fuck I can't even keep my hands to myself.

I pull her even more closer. completely pressing our bodies together. a soft gasp escape her lips when our face were inch away

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