Chapter 4 - Home Alone?

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Marinettes pov

Thankfully the school day went by fast, and I didn't have any plans other than seeing Chat again, so I was free to relax today. The bakery was closed, which was odd because it's almost always open.. I went inside, and my parents weren't home? I walked over to the fridge to look for a snack when I found a covered platter with a note sticking out? I pulled it out of the fridge and placed it on the counter. "Marinette, your father and I have decided to go out to a hotel tonight as a little break. You may have a friend over or stay at Alyas if you'd like, please make sure you lock your hatch. Love, Maman" the note read. "Sweet! I should give Alya a call! Oh wait, I can't" I said out loud to nobody. I remembered, I have to take care of Chat! I turned on the TV and plopped on the couch with my sandwich my parents had left me. "Killer Chat Blanc has been caught killing again! He was chased by police for about 10 minutes, until he vanished?!" I sighed heavily. I hope that dumb roof cat is okay.

After I finished my sandwich I went back up to my room and plopped on my bed. I hope that he comes early so I can just get it over with then invite Alya over or something. I thought, when almost on cue I heard a thump in my roof. I opened my hatch to see the white cat crouching in front of the hatch. "Mind if I come inside, princess?" He asked quietly, clearly trying to make sure nobody saw him. I nodded and opened the hatch, allowing him inside. "You ready for your new gauze and clean up, Kitty?" I asked climbing off my bed. "Yeah yeah whatever I guess." He said crawling down after me. "Come along" I said opening my bedroom door, pointing down the stairs and waving for him to come along. "But your parents-" "they're not home, just come on before I change my mind you stupid cat" I interrupted. He nodded and followed. I patted my bathroom counter for him to hop up on it and sit, and he did.

"Lean down towards me, I'm a bit short" I pulled out the kit and began opening it. He leaned down towards my face. He got a bit too close, so I backed him up by booping him on the nose. He rolled his eyes at the gesture, then groaned when he saw the alcohol and cotton pads. "Oh don't be like that, this is your own fault anyways." I soaked the cotton pad, then carefully peeled off the previous bandage. "Gross" I mumbled, throwing it in the trash. I leaned towards his face with the alcohol soaked cotton pad, waiting for him to give me the okay. Once he gave me the okay, I carefully cleaned up his stitched wound. He hissed and cursed uber his breath at it, yeah that would've definitely burned. But whatever, seems like the cat got his tongue this time.

Once I finished putting his fresh bandage on, we went back up to my room. "So..parents aren't home?" He asked to break the silence, as he sat down in my chair instead of leaving. "Yep, they're gone for the night." I said laying down on the chaise. "So, you bored?" He was now slowly spinning in my chair. "Well I would be inviting my friend over if you weren't here, but I guess you have other plans" I let out a sigh of pure boredom. "Oh, I could leave if you want. I don't have anything better to do though, so if you want to hang out then I'm free" I sat up and looked at him seriously. "Look kitty. It seems like we're friends now, so we've gotta talk" he looked puzzled, he stopped spinning in the chair and nodded.

"Chat, I will gladly be your friend, because it seems like you don't have very many. But I want you to do something for me" I said getting quieter at the end of my sentence, he looked over at me puzzled and hummed for me to continue. "I want you to stop killing innocent people. At the least work on it. I can't bare knowing that there's a killer sitting in my house right now" I mumbled. He didn't respond, he stayed silent. I looked up at him waiting for a response and he lightly nodded.

He stood up and waved goodbye, then climbed on my bed and helped himself out of the hatch. "I'll see you later, Princess" he muttered softly before closing the hatch. I let out a deep sigh. What am I going to do with that cat? He's so stubborn. Ughh. I should invite Alya over now. I thought, then I grabbed my phone and opened my contacts. I selected Alya then pressed the call button. It rang for a moment, until I heard her pick up. "Hey girl, what's up?" "Alya! Heyyy well uh er.. My parents decided to spend the night at a hotel to get a break from the bakery and to just have a nice night off so, do you want to come over and spend the night..?" "You bet your ass I do! I'll be over in 20!" "Haha okay, see you soon Al!" I ended the call and placed my phone on my desk, then decided to clean my room up a bit before she came over.

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