Chapter 12 - Activities Are Boring

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Adrien's pov

       Oh my god. Class is so boring. It's definitely better than home school though. I thought as I tapped my pencil on my notebook boredly. I can't wait to see my princess later. Oh wait, never mind I take that back. She's going to be cleaning my damn stitches. I fucking hate the rubbing alcohol. Shit burns like a mother fucker. What would happen if I- "Adrien! Would you mind telling me what the answer to this question is?" My teacher snapped at me. "Uh..- I don't know, I apologize I spaced out." I said, looking at the board in confusion. "Please pay more attention, Mister Agreste. Now who would like...." My teacher said. I was about to space out again, but then I heard her name. "Yes, Marinette?" I turned to her and she smiled, cheeks ringing pink. "If in correct, the answer should be that X=124, right.?" She said, unsure. "Not quite, but you're close. Any other volunteers?" My teacher said. I turned around to Marinette and smiled at her. "good try" I whispered, she replied by mouthing 'thank you' and giving me a soft smile. I nodded, then faced forward again my face going cold again.

Finally, school ended. It felt like it took forever. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, no emotion at all. "Yo what was that about, man?" Nino asked catching up to me. "What was what about?" I asked. "You know.. smiling at Marinette and stuff. You never look that happy around anyone!" He exclaimed. "I don't know, I just.. she's special" I said, softly smiling and blushing, then wiped it off my face quickly by clearing my throat and averting my gaze from him. "Bro.. do you like Marinette? Like, like like her?" Nino asked in shock. I turned to him quickly, my face flushed red. "No!!" I exclaimed. His jaw dropped and he chuckled. "Dude you do!!" Nino exclaimed. "I do not!!" I said crossing my arms and huffing. "Oh really?" He said as we stopped at the steps outside of the building, waiting for our rides home. "Yeah, really." He gave me a devilish grin and I felt any bit of joy in me sink. "HEY MARINETTE! I THINK ADRI-" I cut him off by putting him in a headlock and covering his mouth. "Say another word and I'll kill you" I muttered into his hear, then let him go. Marinette and Alya caught up to us and stood in front of us. "What were you saying about Adrien, Nino?" Marinette asked confused. Nino turned his gaze to me and I stared daggers at him. "Nothing" Nino mumbled. My car arrived, so I hugged Marinette softly and began to walk off, waving goodbye. She waved bye back as I got in my car and drove off.

Sadly I had a photo shoot. Great. I really 'love' doing photo shoots. I arrived at the shoot, it was at the park again, one of my usual shoot spots. It was mid April, so there was fresh grass and flowers, which is probably why we're shooting here. They gave me an outfit and left me to go into my tent to change. Once I changed I came out, and the makeup artists began touching up my face, making sure that I looked perfect. Because that's what everyone thought I was. Perfect. We began the shoot, it was boring as always. Plastering on a fake face, just to pretend like I'm happy. Perfectly happy. Perfectly fine.

The photo shoot ended after about 3 hours, but my day full of events wasn't over yet. Now I had an hour of fencing with Kagami. Kagami is a great friend and all and I love her (no hetero) but I know that she really likes me, and I haven't told her yet that I like Marinette. Maybe I'll tell her today. Get some advice, maybe. That's kind of mean.. But she knows how cold I am. I just can't resist being an asshole sometimes, honestly I don't really care for other people. Except for her. She's the only one who deserves my undivided attention.

I arrived at fencing and walked in with a blank face, as I always do. My teacher greeted me with a smile and a wave, I nodded back and headed into the locker room. Once I got in I grabbed my suit, changed in the bathroom, then went back into the locker room. I decided to text Marinette really fast since class didn't start for about another 20 minutes, and Kagami wasn't here yet.

Adrien: Hey strawberry, be expecting me around 7. Ill be over after I'm dismissed to my room after dinner

Marinette: Okay kitty :)

Adrien: You're lucky I like you

Marinette: I know, I'm the only one you're nice to :)

Adrien: Don't flatter yourself

Marinette: I won't have to as long as you're around

Adrien: Maybe I shouldn't stick around then

Marinette: noo stay :((

Adrien: Fine :p but only because I like pastries and you help me when I'm hurt

Marinette: Yay :D

Adrien: I've gotta go, fencing is starting in a minute or so. See you later, Princess

Marinette: Aw, okay see you :")

She's too cute. She's going to kill me one of these days. "Are you ready, Adrien?" I heard a familiar voice say. I look up to see Kagami, reaching her hand out for me to grab it. Normally I would smile and grab it, but I just stood up on my own ignoring her hand, and nodded. She looked at me confused, and slightly offended. I ignored it and walked into the practice to room with her following close behind. We got into position and began fencing. We fenced until we were dismissed back to the locker room. I took off my helmet and set it on the bench next to my bag, which I sat down next to. Kagami came in and sat next to me, removing Jer helmet and placing it next to herself as well. "Wow, that was a fun match don't you think?" She said breathlessly. I had just pulled out my phone to see a notification. New Snap from Strawberry I unlocked my phone and clicked on it, and k couldn't help lightly chuckling and smiling at it.

*I'm sorry j accidentally spelt croissant wrong*

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*I'm sorry j accidentally spelt croissant wrong*

A/N; I've decided that I'll be posting two chapters until I complete this series. I can already confirm their will be over 20 chapters, but I don't have an exact number of chapters yet. Thank you all for your patience!!!

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