Chapter 30 - Dear Princess

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Marinettes pov

       We reached the hospital, nobody dared to go inside. "Let's go" I whispered just loud enough so everyone could hear. We all walked into the building, and walked up to the front desk. "Hello, how may I help you kids?" A kind lady said with a smile. "We're here for Adrien Agreste, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'm on a call list for updates and I was informed to come." I said kindly. The lady nodded and called a doctor over to lead us to the room. Once we reached the room, we saw the blinds closed again, and his father sitting in a chair next to the room, with Nathalie by his side. Mister Agreste is here? This can't be good. I thought. Alya, Nino, Luka,and I all sat down. The doctor pulled out a clip board, looked at it, then looked up. "Okay, looks like we're all here." The doctor said with a sour face.

"I apologize for the words I am about to say, but he may never slip out of his coma from his conditions." The doctor said. I felt my heart sink. "He woke up and we began talking to him, but he said he was feeling weak and light headed, then asked for a pen and paper. He began writing, then gave it to me along with a silver ring and told me to give it to the person with the name on the letter if things didn't go well. We left the room, and when we came back he was gone. We're not sure what caused this yet." The doctor said softly. "Marinette, your name is written on this letter, so I'm assuming he wanted you to have it." I covered my mouth with my hand as my eyes filled with tears. I took the letter and the ring, then began reading what it said.

       Dear princess, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever happened. I know how much this must hurt and I'm so sorry. I don't know if I'm dead or alive since you're reading this, but I just want you to know that in my last thoughts I was thinking of you, and that I love you so much. You were my first thought when I woke up, and my last before I was out again or gone. I'm glad you talked to me while I was out, and I'm glad you stayed the night. I'm sorry that I wasn't string enough. Please take care of my miraculous and Plagg, and please do well. Don't blame yourself, it was never your fault. I hope you do well, and I hope you get far. Goodbye, My Love.
                            Your Kitty.

"No.." I whispered. His father looked down at the ground, tears falling from his eyes as he silently cried. Nathalie was patting his back and telling him it would be okay. I began sobbing silently as tests streamed down my face. Luka pulled me into a hug and let me cry on his shoulder as Alya rubbed my back and comforted Nino. The doctor apologized and walked away. I broke apart from the hug and called my mom, letting her know what happened and that I wanted to be picked up soon.

Alya, Nino, and I decide to visit him. Luka decided to go home and give us our time with him, and his father and Nathalie left because they couldn't bare seeing him. I sat down in the chair text to him, and interlocked my hands with his again. "Adrien. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry" I whispered through choked sobs. "I'm sorry I let you go to the fire. I wish I never did" I whispered again. Alya began silently crying as well as Nino did too. My mom entered the room and placed a hand on my back comfortingly. I turned my gaze to see her looking away from Adrien, clearly not being able to look at him. She really liked Adrien, and he made a promise to her that he'd always protect me.

I stood up and hugged my mom as I began crying loudly, no longer caring who heard. We soon left the hospital and went home. The drive home was unbearable. The further we got the more my heart throbbed, and the harder I was crying. My mom began silently crying aswell. When I got home my dad hugged me tightly and reassured me that everything was going to be okay.

That week I skipped school, and I hardly left my room. I only left once or twice to shower, and occasionally to use the bathroom or get Plagg some food. Plagg was pretty annoying, but he did his best to comfort me when I was upset over Adrien which was most of the time. The week after that I began going to school, and nobody was the same. Everyone was upset, gloomy, and there was no more life. That all passed after about 3 weeks for everyone except for me. And I stayed this way. I stayed that way until I finally changed. And you bet your ass it wasn't for the better.

~The End~

Hey everyone! This is the author here. I'm sorry to end it on such a bad note dhbehdd- I will not be making anymore books or chapters to this one, as I am making a new Mariblanc but better! Though I hope you enjoyed this one, this one was done pretty sloppy but I still love it! I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope you'll read my works again! ~Caffeinateddemon

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