Chapter 18 - The Fire

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Adrien's pov

         Marinette called Alya and Nino, while I texted my father and told him I'd be back around 7. "Alya said her and Nino would be there by 4:45 so we should head over" she said with a smile. I nodded, then we started making our way to the ice rink. While we were walking, I heard a loud scream. "What the hell?" Marinette said. I looked around, then grabbed her hand and ducked into an alley way. I hid behind a dumpster and transformed, then I picked her up and took her with me. "I need to take care of this." I said as we plopped on a roof. I looked around to see where the sound was coming from. "There!" Marinette yelled pointing to something. I turned and froze. An entire apartment building was burning down. "Shit." I nurtured. "okay, Marinette. You have to trust me. I'm going to drop you off at that store right there, okay? Stay in there and call for help while I go and get those people out." I said as we headed towards the restaurant. "Please be safe, Chat. I don't want to lose you" she said holding onto me right. We arrived at the restaurant and I dropped her off at the front of it. "I'll be fine, don't you worry Princess. Call for help" I kissed her forehead then extended my stick and headed in the direction of the apartment building.

Marinettes pov

I ran inside the restaurant screaming help. An employee came up to me and asked me what was wrong. "Call the fire department immediately! Down the street is a burning apartment building!" I yelled. The employee nodded then ran off grabbing a phone. I ran outside the restaurant and ran towards the apartments. I know he told me to stay at the restaurant but... I needed to make sure he wouldn't get hurt. I stood a ways away from the apartments, as I watched them crumble to pieces. My eyes swelled up with tears

I smacked my hands over my mouth trying to silence my choking sobs as I saw Chat Blanc carry two children out of the building. He signalled for them to run, then when he saw me he pointed to me and said something to them. They nodded and began running towards me. He lept back into the building as it began crumbling to pieces. The children reached me and sat behind me. "That guy told us to come and sit behind you and he told us to tell you that everything is going to be okay and that he loves you" one of the kids said. I nodded and thanked them before sitting on the ground in a ball, trying by best not to cry.

Chat brought another two people out and signaled for them to run to me, then he went back in again.  Once the two people reached me, the two kids got up and hugged them. "My babies, I'm so glad you're okay" the woman wept while holding the kids. I buried my face in my knees and began crying. I heard Chat yell in pain loudly from the fire. I immediately stood up and looked over towards the burning building. "Chat..?" I whispered. The man who was next to the woman and the kids turned towards the building aswell. "That guy is so brave" he mumbled. I saw Chat come out of the bottom of the building with a baby in his hands, and two people behind him.

"Chat!" I yelled running towards him. I couldn't hold back anymore. He was covered in cuts, burns, splinters, and definetly charcoal. "I'm okay! Don't come any closer, Marinette! Stay over there!" He yelled as he went back into the building. I fell on my knees and began crying hard. The two people began running towards me, one of them holding a baby. "are you okay?" One of them asked me. "I.. I just want him... To be okay.." I said through choked sobs. One of the people held me tightly. "he's going to be okay." The fire department showed up. One of the fire fighters walked over to me. "Please calm down miss. You were the first person here, correct? Do you know how many people are in the building?" He asked me. Is shook my head, then wiped my eyes with Adrien's hoodie. "No.. Well, I know that Chat Blanc is in there. He brought all these people out" I said through some sobs and a quivering voice. "Thank you, that helps a lot" the fire man said. I nodded in response. They began spraying the building with water, the fire hissed as it began getting put out.

A large piece of the building collapsed, and I heard Chat Blanc yelp in pain. "No!!! Chat!!!" I yelled as I stood up and began running to the building. One of the fire men held me back. "I'm sorry ma'am but you can't go in there." He said to me. I did my best to break free from his grip, I squirmed and kicked with tears rolling out of my eyes. "No!!! I have to see him!!! I have to help him!" I yelled. The fire man sighed heavily. "he'll be okay, we'll get him out." He said.

"Marinette!!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me. I turned around to see Alya and Nino running towards me. I turned around and ran towards them, crashing into Alya's arms as I balled. "Where's Adrien?" She asked looking around. I fell to the ground crying, them I pointed at the building. "Oh no.." she mumbled. Alyas eyes filled with tears threatening to spill. Yeah, she disliked him sometimes but he was still her friend, and she still cared about him. Nino stood there, no reaction. I think he was in shock.

A/N: sorry this ended up turning into more of an adrienette instead of a mariblanc, but I'm working on adding more Chat Blanc !

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