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I run as a noise of gunfire ring behind me. People aiming for me, run after me. I come near a corner. I know taking right is gonna lead me to a busy street, giving me perfect escape and taking left is gonna lead me to dead end. Still, I choose to go left.

"What are you gonna do now? eh? Where you gonna run? I am gonna kill you with my bare hands and leave your body here, in this alley as food for street dogs." He gives me an evil smile.

But before he could even move, one more gunshot ring in the air and his body meets to the ground. I smirk. Idiot.

I walk and go near his body. Using my right foot I flip his lifeless body. "Next time make sure that you know who you are messing with, kid."

"All dead boss." My right-hand man speaks. I look behind me. Our eyes meet and I smile. "Good job, Caleb."

"You could have died you know..." He says in monotone, giving me his scariest looks. But they don't work on me, the same way mine doesn't work on him.

I give him my best smile. "But I didn't. All thanks to you best friend."

Before he could reply a black Maserati Levante stops in front of us.

"You are lucky, asshole." He says while shaking his head and get into the back seat of the car without waiting for my reply.

"I know." I whisper and follow his trail.   

Don't worry guys. I am focusing on The Unknown Heiress right now. This is just a sneak peak. letting you all know that there's gonna be another book in Unknown series. 

Look out for update. Soon I'll be uploading new chapter of unknown heiress

The Unknown Heiress [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now