Chapter 11

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Adrian's POV

I stand in porch and scan the forest once before going in.

The cabin is average size not too big not too small with two bedrooms, there are two closed doors which I have no idea about where they lead. There is no TV or accessories to decorate the house.

A tea table is situated in the middle of leaving room, sofa surrounding tea table and chairs on the both side of sofa with one table near the wall.

"Make yourself at home." She points towards sofa with her chin and walks off in the direction of what I assume is kitchen.

We make ourselves comfortable and sit, making a circle around the tea table waiting for Angel to come back when Alice breaks the silence.

"What are we gonna do now?" Alice asks, all head turns to her.

"First, we need to get the hell out of this town. When we will reach in city, I can call Jonathan to arrange a flight for us to get back to London." Kian speaks and squeezes her hand, reassuring her.

"Hmm. But we need a plan to get out of this town. We can't go just like that. I am sure those people must be searching for us." Nick says. But before anyone could say anything else, Angel comes back holding two plates in her hands.

"You finish this. I will see if I could arrange clean clothes for you guys." She puts the plate full of sandwiches on the table and eye our cloths, her nose scrunching up as she takes in our appearance.

Takeing her leave Angle continues upstairs, and we continue our conversation on how to get out of this shitty town.

All of us come to one conclusion that is, if we are going to escape this town alive we are going to need help and Angel is the only person who can help us right now.

"Here I bought cloths for you all to change." Angel comes in living room and hands us cloths.

I take the cloths from her hands and eye them warily, wondering how come she has man's cloths.

"Don't worry, it will fit you perfectly." She states. Looking at us, she points in the direction of one room. "There are two bathrooms, one is in that room and the other one is upstairs in my bedroom. Get fresh and then we will talk."

Girls go upstairs to get fresh and we boys go to the spare room. After getting fresh and changing in new clean cloths, we all gather in the leaving room.

"So... Anyone wants to tell me why exactly Raven's men are after you?" she asks.

We all look at each other thinking same thing. I don't get it either why these men are after us? I don't even know who the fuck is this Raven guy!

"We don't know. We have never met him before. None of us know who the hell this Raven is, apart from what that old lady told us." Kian says.

Angle regards us with her cold gaze. Looking at her, it's hard to know what's going on in her head.

"You'd help us right? We will give you as much money as you need. Just help us to get back to London." Nick says.

Her eyes turn to him. A smirk appear on her face as she drags a chair and situate it in front of Nick. Sitting on a chair she looks at him, smirk never leaving her face when she speaks, "You sure could afford me Mr. Raymond?"

We all are too stunned to speak. Never in my life has anyone talked to us like this. We are feared, we are treated like kings. And this woman sitting in front of us is treating us like some random people is new for us. Nick open his mouth to reply but close it again.

Her sharp eyes soften, her smirk convert in smile as she chuckles, enjoying our discomfort more than she should.

"Why don't you all go and rest? You must be tired after all you have had one hell of an adventure today. I am gonna go and do some work. You can use my room too if you want." Saying this she leaves.

That night I dream of deep brown eyes burning with fire. 

I am really sorry for the late update. I have been busy with my college and stuff... So it took me a while to get back on the track but i promise I will try to be regular with my updates.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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