Chapter 14

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[WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITITED. IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST COPY. So don't get mad if grammar is not up to your standards.]

Angel's POV

"Get in" I say before any one of them could say anything. And then I turn on my heel and walk in the living room. Leaving the door open for them to follow me.

No matter how much furious I am right now I need to gain some control over my temper.

I sit on the couch while they all come in the living room one by one, filling up the empty space.

"I think you all are in big trouble. Bigger than you realize." I speak trying to not to show them my worry.

"Sorry but care to elaborate?" Nick says. Looking at everyone around him he continues "I don't really think anyone here understands what you are trying to say."

Six sets of eyes turn on me.

God, they look too tired to be dealing with this right now. I might look and come off as heartless person or someone who has heart made up of stones as few would like to call me, but even I am not that inhuman to understands someone's worry for the safety of their family.

"Well, are you going to say something or you are going to keep staring at us?" Veronica says.

Irritable that one I have to say... and really impatient and restless too, I can tell from the way she is tapping her leg on the floor.

I don't think I really have a lot of options to choose from. Its either I tell them the truth or I tell them the truth. Choice is really easy don't you think?

I heave a sigh and tell them what they so badly want to hear.

"Before exact fine minutes I thought it's just the matter of money and nothing else. I thought that Revan is after you only for money but I don't think that anymore." I take a pause to get a good look at all of them.

"I just got a phone call... from who? I don't know. Might be Revan or might be someone else. I don't know because I have never met Revan or talked to him before. And before you ask me, yes, I have warned against helping you out."

I wait for them to absorb the information. I can see the gears turning in their head. Different emotions crossing their faces every second as they understand the meaning behind my words.

After what feels like as eternity and dead silence, Adrian asks.

"Why do you think our life is in danger?"

"Yes. Something must have happened for you to change your thoughts! What happened? Tell us in detail." Alex says.

I don't think twice before telling them about the phone call. Because someone out there is trying to get them killed. And only they know who hate them so much that he wants them dead.

"I got a phone call! It was a man. To summaries the phone call, I have been warned against helping you."

"Who do you think it could be. Raven? Could it be him?" Jenna asks.

"It could be Raven. But I can't tell you for sure. I have never really met him in person to know what he sounds like." I tell her.

"Besides, I don't think it is as simple as it looks. Have you ever harmed anyone? Knowing or unknowingly? Any enemy you might have? Anyone you could think of who has a reason to hurt you?"

"We are business men. We are supposed to have enough of enemies to last us for next 10 generation. There are lots of people out there who would like to get their hands on our business, enough of them who won't think twice before hurting us just so they could acquire our company. How many are we supposed to count?" Adrian says.

"Well in that case I think going back to your home is better option for you all right now."

All of them chuckle. "If we can just get back to our home right now trust me, we would." Kian says.

"let's not forget people chasing you across the town is not really a big help" nick says.

Adrian heaves a sigh and wipe his face with his hands. "we cant really get out of the town without a mean of transportation or a phone to call. Those two are necessities right now."

"Alice why don't you sit down? Actually, why don't you all sit down and take a few minutes to thinks this through? I'll go and make us all coffee? And of course, tea for you Alice?" I try my best to cheer them up with as best smile as I could muster.

None of them smiles. They all just look at me with a blank look on their faces. So, I try once again.

"I think I might have solutions for all of your problems so first let me make that coffee, and then we will talk about it. Till then, you all please calm down and allow your brain to rest for at least 5 minutes." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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