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Angel's POV

 "There is not much to do today Angle" Bob says to me as I make my way toward the door.

"It's okay Bob. I will just finish whatever there is to do and leave early for home. Oh and I also need my payment today. I need to buy some groceries." I tell him while tying my hair at the nape of my neck into a bun.

"Okay. Be careful." He says and leaves me alone to do my work.

I take off my shirt and put it in my bag, because I don't want the stains of grease on it. I eye the brown coloured beetle in front of me, the car is not really in need of much work, some paint, exchange of tyres, and proper servicing will do it. I look around the garage to see if there are other cars or bikes for repairing but, there is only a bike and this vintage creature in front of me.

My lack of sleep is already starting to get on me, I supress a sigh of tiredness and start working on the brownie. Yeah I like giving nicknames.

I did servicing first and now I am halfway through the painting the brownie with brown colour when Mrs. Duddles call me.

"Angie, Come. Lunch is ready, eat with us." Mrs. Duddles call me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Duddles. But, I am not hungry yet. You go and have your lunch. I will finish my work and will leave for home. I am feeling tired today."

"Oh honey! Are you sure? You are not sick or something, right? I always ask you to be careful and take care of yourself but you never listen to me" She says to me and I stop the urge to roll my eyes.

I know she is just saying it all for my benefit but still, I am not a five year old little girl, whom she should always have to keep reminding to take care of herself.

"Yes Mrs. Duddles don't worry. Go and eat your lunch." I say to her.

Finally! I am done with brownie aka beetle. "Bob! I am done with brownie!" I say to Bob as I put all the equipments where they belong. He comes out of the house and stare at the beetle for a minute and then look at me and smile

"You've got magic in your hands girl. You made the oldie look like brand new." He says admiring my work.

"Here, this is your payment of the month." He hand me my payment.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about it." I thank him for giving me my payment. I count the money and keep it in my pocket safely.

"I will just change and leave" I say to him. He nod at me and go back into the house after murmuring goodbye.

I change back into my blue-black checks shirt and jeans, wash my face and leave. On the way I stop at a small mall to buy groceries and much needed things and make my way home.

I reach home in the evening as grocery shopping took much of my time. I prepare my dinner earlier than usual cause exercising exhaust me and I don't think I will be able to make dinner after exercising. I keep the dinner in fridge. And get ready to start my exercise.

I step out in the porch and start my regular day to day activity. I run for a while and do some stretching to get my body in the gear. After warming up I start with punching and kicking my punching bag.

For last two hours I had been punching and kicking. I stop for a while, to rest my muscles. After ten minutes break, I grab my sword and start practicing for next one hour.

I stop when my muscle feels sore. I pick up my boxing gloves and sword and keep them aside and make my way towards my bedroom.

I take off my tshirt, throw it into wash basket and hop into my bathroom. I scrub off all the dirt and sweat from my body. Allowing my muscles to relax under hot water sprays, I spend some extra time in shower.

I wrap myself in towel and leave my hair open. Grabbing my black tshirt and black pants from my walk in closet I get dressed.

I put my meal in the microwave to heat it before eating. I finish my dinner in minutes. Doing all the practice and exercise really make me hungry. I check time. It is 9 pm. I grab my coat and head out to as usual.

I was strolling through the woods on thunder, I suddenly hear some voices. I make my way towards those voices and find a group of people walking on my property. I wonder who they are. Everyone in these town knows that this is my property. No one dare to step a foot here without asking me. They know I don't like surprises. This people better have solid reason or they I am sure as hell are gonna die tonight by my hands.

I step out of the shadows, enough to let them see the point of my gun pointing towards them. Three women and three men are stand there.

"You have two minutes to explain who are you and why are you trespassing on my property?"

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