Chapter 2

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Adrian 's POV

It feels good to spend time with your family. The last time I spent some time with my family was months ago.

My father has been pestering me about it for a while now. So here I am sitting in my living room waiting for my fiancé, Veronica, as she is getting ready for dinner.

One day Mr. Miller came to the company and proposed a deal. I marry his only daughter and we merge the companies. "It will benefit both of our businesses" his exact word. At that time dad was pestering me to get married just like my brothers.

At that time it never mattered to me who I marry as long as she is ready to take the responsibility of being my wife and we respect each other. Love was never a thing I hoped for. So I said yes.

And here we are after two years of our engagement. Can't say I made the bad choice by saying yes but still recently I have started to feel this engagement a heavy burden on my shoulder. I hope I grow out of this feelings.

Veronica has been nothing but great fiance a man could hope for. When she was told she would be marrying me, she didn't fuss like normally women do nah she acted and accepted it like a matured adult. Actually made efforts to get to know me and spend time with me.

After all the time we spent building our relationship I'd be a fool to cancle to. Therefore I really really hope that I come out of whatever this phase is. With her it's nothing epic, it is comfortable. But still I like it whatever that we have and I don't want to change anything.

Everyone is happy and enjoying dinner. My both brothers Kian and Nicholas found their love of life and are happily married now.

Kian is older than me and Nick is younger. Kian's wife Alice is a designer and Nicholas's wife Jenna is the owner of a book shop.

"What do you think about Ad?" Alice asked.

Being lost in my own head did not help my lack of knowledge about what they are talking about.

"What I think about what?" I questioned her back.

She huffs. "Dear brother in law we were talking about taking some time off from work and going on a family vacation. So what do you think about it?" She retort.

"Family vacation? When?"

"Next weekend."

They all look at me, waiting for my response.

"Umm... sure why not." I look at Veronica to confirm if she is okay with it. She smiles brightly.

"You know I was mentally preparing myself to beg you if I had to, just to make you say yes," she whispers in my ear, making me roll my eyes at her.

They all start planning for this family vacation and I go back to my dinner, humming yes and no here and there showing them they have all of my attention.

"Adrian, come with me" Dad get up from his chair and start walking toward his study. I follow him.


"Yeah. Come, sit." He motion toward a chair.

"Dad? Is everything okay?" He was about to answer when someone knock on the door. "Come in" on his command both of my brothers enter the study and make themselves comfortable on the couch.

I look at them.

"What?" Kian says and I raise my eyebrows.

"You know that look is not going to affect me in any way, Addie."

"If you kids' are done with your bantering, I'd like to talk." Dad's voice cut us off.

"We are not kids Dad!" We say at the same time. He looks at us and laughs, a totally heartwarming laugh.

"It doesn't matter to me. You will always be my little muchkins" He smiles, too sweetly.

"Really dad?" We all say together. Again!. This time we look at each other and burst out laughing.

"Okay. Okay. That's enough." Dad stops us. He looks at me, all serious.

"What is it, Dad. Spill it already!" I say, annoyed at his behaviour.

He takes a deep breath, "Are you happy Addie?"

"Huh? What does that suppose to mean dad?" I ask, confused about his question.

"That supposed to mean that, are you happy? As in overall, with whatever you are doing these days? No. Don't. Just keep your mouth shut and listen to me first." He said making me shut my mouth. "You don't spend time with us these days. You are always busy with work or are always out of the town. And then there's this marriage with Veronica. You don't even love her and still, you are marrying her. Are you even happy with her? We are worried about you Addie." My brother explains.

I look at him. His words holding more meaning to them. I think about it. Am I really changed? I don't spend time with them as much as I used to. I don't do anything else other than work these days. I stopped attending family dinners months ago. I look at my father. He is also looking at me intently.

I sigh.

"Of course I am happy. I know I have been working a little bit more" I change my line when Dad glares at me. "Okay. I have been working too much, but there is nothing to worry about guys. And to talk about Veronica, yes I'm happy with her even though I don't love her. She is a good woman with a nice personality and I respect her for that." I give them all a soft smile.

They all look at me, assessing me if I am speaking the truth or not. When they feel satisfied with whatever they saw on my face their faces breaks into a grin.

Words of my brother keep repeating themselves in mind as I look out of the window of my bedroom.

The storm is brewing outside. Heavy rain banging on the glass. Lighting decorating the dark sky like an art. Wind blowing wildly making trees sway with its force. I am having this feeling of uneasiness. Feeling that something is going to happen. Things are going to change.

The Unknown Heiress [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now