Chapter 9

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Angel's POV

"You have two minutes to explain who are you and why are you trespassing on my property." As soon as the words leave my mouth, they all still for a moment. I could feel the fear radiating off from them.

Three men and three women, they all turn around and stand there silently, watching my every move with fear evident on their faces.

All the men looks a somewhat alike. With green eyes, red lips and pale skin. But what caught my eye is their appearance. Their cloths wrinkled and covered in dirt and mud.

Same goes with girls too. All of them are definition of beautiful. Their looks and cloths screaming rich. I wonder what happened to make them look like shit.

I stand in the shadows, my gun in my hands as I point it towards them. They try to get better look at me but I made sure to keep my face hidden in the hood of my coat. I can see the curiosity in the depth of their eyes mixed with fear.

When the guy in front steps forward, with his hands raised above his head, Thunder nickers. He don't like intruders either, just like me. The second they look at my beast, they step back. Making me smirk mentally.

I my words, "You have two minutes to explain who are you and why are you trespassing on my property?" My gun moving from one person to another.

A guy tries to say something but his expressionless face tells me he is far good in faking his emotions than others so I stop him and ask the girl standing beside him to speak. "Not you. You! You girl in white you tell me who are you!"

"Ma-mam. We a-aa-are r-really s-sorr-ry for trespassin your property. Mrs. Duddl-les told u-us a-ab-bout you. We a-aa-are in prob .. . "Argh! The girl stutters more than actually talking. I take pity on her knowing that having a gun pointed towards you must be hard to handle.

"Stop. Speak." I stop her, and ask another guy who is standing slightly behind her. He looks a bit shocked at first but then he start talking.

"We need your help Miss. We are from London and came here for vacation. But, our security guards betrayed us and now they are trying to kidnap us all. My name is Nicholas this is my wife Jenna. They are my brother Kian and Adrian. That girl in white is Kian's wife, Alice. And this is, Ver-I mean Veronica, Adrian's fiancé. "

I wonder why Ravan and his men are after them?

"Lower you gun we don't mean any harm" A voice interrupts before I could make any decision. The guy speak too harshly for my liking, pissing me off in the process.

My mouth turns into evil smirk as I think of playing with them for a while. I mean a bit of fun won't hurt, right?

"It will be me who will choose when to lower my gun Mr. Adrian. I don't take orders from people and if you want my help you will mind your tone." I speak, making sure he receives my warning loud and clear, and the way they all gulp gives me an idea of ​​how loud and clear my warning was.

Seeing them all on edge makes me smile mentally. "Why should I help you?" I ask them.

They all look at me, this time worry evident on their faces. I think I took it too far. Because one girl starts babbling and crying at the same time.

"Please! I say sorry from his side. Try to understand please. We will be indebted to you forever. We can even give you mo-money if-f you wa-want. Just he-help u-us... please." The girl cries, making me feel a bit guilty.

Finally, I step out of the shadows. I look at them all once, put my gun on my back and get down from Thunder. I take one step forward and as if instinctively they step back.

I know they are scarred of me, so I refrain from going further. I remove my hood and finally show them my face.

They all look at me like I am some ten headed monster. Their eyes wide and expressions of surprise visible on their faces.

All of them look exhausted. I sigh and take off my coat when I notice the girl whose name I think is Alice is shivering, it looks like she might pass out any minute cause of tiredness.

"You all girls are thin and the saddle of my horse is quite bigger than usual. It's made for two but you girls can squeeze in on it. It's better than walking, cause we have to walk for half an hour more to reach to my house. "

"Won't they fall?" A guys asks, whose name is... ummm... I don't remember.

"Sorry, your name? I kinda forgot. And no they won't fall, Thunder is more responsible animal than any human you will ever meet and they are so thin I am sure they will be fine. "

"Kian, my name is Kian Kingston." He says and I nod my head at him.

Kingston? I have heard that name before. Wait. Are they...?

"Umm ... if you guys won't mind asking me, do you own some business here and there and happened to be the billionaires or something like that?" I ask, unsure of how to place my words and trying my best to make myself sound like I am not prying in their life at the same time.

The guy from the back whose name I assume is Adrian, chuckles. "And it is. Yes, we do own businesses here and there and yes we are billionaires and to be specific add multi before billionaires. " I have smugly replies. All of the brothers gives me smug looks along with him.

I look at them with blank face and raise my eyebrow, giving them my best stare. And as predicted ladies and gentlemen, their smugness is replaced by grim expressions, which makes me smirk internally. Shaking my head at them, I start walking forward taking thunder and the girls with me, with them walking right on my heel. 

Here you go! I said few days but I thought I should surprise you guys! Thanks for encouraging me to write and giving me all your love.

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See ya laters...!

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