Chapter 13

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Angel's POV:

After hearing the apology I slam the door shut behind me and walk back to my office.

God I am so furious.

I know I probably behaved like a total bitch but I can't stand it when people are accusing me of the things I didn't do.

I go to the office and turn on my laptop to check the surveillance cameras cause god knows I can't take surprises anymore.

Sitting on the chair, I let my eyes drift to the green eyed man standing right outside my door, probably debating whether I am worth the headache or not.

He keeps talking to his brothers. Looking at his brother's expression, whatever the green eyes is talking about is not something his brother agrees with. His pissed face looks even more pissed as his brother says something in return. They both shoot each other a look of annoyance or more like a look which says 'I am going to kill you in your sleep'.

A snicker escapes me as I keep watching their expressions.

I wonder what they are going to do now. I am not gonna brag but they know as well as I do, that I am the best chance they have at surviving Ravan.

Now that I actually take a look at them without making it obvious, I notice how tired they look. Worry stricken faces, looking like they have aged years in the last two days. Can't blame them though. I mean, even I will be worried if there is a psychopath who is out there for my blood. And he is trying to kill my family along with my pregnant wife.

I am so busy staring at the arguing people outside my door that when my phone starts ringing it startles me.

I stare at the damn thing ringing on my table as one thought crosses my mind.

This is unexpected and weird.

Who the hell must be calling me at this hour?it's not like I have lots of people who call me on a daily basis.

I hardly get a single phone call in a span of six months. So getting a call that too at this hour seems too sketchy for me to not be worried.

I really hope no one died. Because every single person in my life knows not to contact me till it's the situation of life and death or someone's actually dead. And both of these things are not something that would make me happy.

I stare at the unknown number long enough that it stops ringing and I get the notification of a missed call.

I roll my shoulder and rotate my neck to lose some tension in my muscles before starting my work. But before I can get back to it my phone starts ringing again. Same number flashing on the screen.

I close my eyes and leave the breath that I am holding, hoping that I am just overreacting and the phone call is just nothing but the wrong number.

I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.


"Listen to me carefully sweetheart. I am not going to repeat a single word for you. Back. Off. The things you are doing and the people you are helping are not something you should be doing. I haven't said anything to you doesn't mean I can't crush you in seconds. So back off. Stop sticking your nose in my business and I might let you live. But if you don't! Well... I am warning you."

Before I could even say anything the line goes dead leaving me to stare at my phone, again.

God I am doing the staring thing a lot more than I would like to do.

Till now I was thinking the situation is bad if Ravan in after them. But now that someone just threatened me, I think the situation is even worse than what I assumed.

I don't think I could let them go on their own after receiving that call. My conscience mind would guilt trip me about it till I die.

I huff. A person can't even work peacefully. Closing my laptop I make my way towards the door to eat up my ego and invite them in. They need to leave the town and that too damn fucking fast.

Even before I reach the door my doorbell starts ringing.

Any guess who it might be?

I take two long paces and cover the distance remaining and open the door. I stand there with a hand on my hips another on the door. And frown marring my face to show them how displeasing their ideas are.

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