chapter 8

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Adrian's POV

"But you have to be really cautious, she is not a friendly person." Julia continues hastily.

"Who is she and where we will find her?" Words leave my mouth even before I could stop them.

I guess the idea of getting the fuck out of the town alive is making me more eager to know about the person who can help us.

"She lives in woods. She is a weird person. Always staying by herself, not talking with anyone, and if by miracle she talks to someone it will be totally business. She really hate it when someone disturbs her privacy. And yeah, she don't like trespassers." Julia says.

Bob explains further "Yeah she is tough one. But if you will tell her that you are in need of help she might help you. But, let me tell you one thing she can kill you too, for sneaking in there, she is really careful when it comes to her privacy." He stops talking and look at us. Gauging our reactions.

As if she remembered something from past Julia speaks this time. "Even Ravan and his men are scared of her and they never go anywhere near her or her property. Last time she heavily injured one man and killed three men of Ravan because they cornered her and tried to force themselves on her, thinking that she is just some random town girl."

"Stop it both of you. She is nothing but, a sweetheart. I don't know why you all are scared of her. She has never threatened anyone or hurt anyone in any way. Except Ravan and his men. And she always help people in any way she can." Mrs. Duddles speaks. Hearing his wife's words Bob shakes his head.

"My dear wife I don't know what it is but, she is different person when it comes to you, it's like her whole demeanour changes and she becomes sweetheart."

"You can go in there! I mean in woods" Julia interrupts before her mother could say something.

We all, including Bob look at her, making faces that probably says 'what the fuck are you trying to say?'

"You can go in there and when she catches you, tell her your story and that you need help. Also, tell her that it is mom who told you about her." I raise my one eyebrow looking at her.

"Mom is right. She has never hurt anyone except only those who cause her trouble, she always helps people too. And plus if you tell her that Mom sent you guys to her, she might help you because it is true, her behaviour changes when it includes Mom."

The family leaves us alone for a while, to let us think what we are gonna do now. We discuss and make a list of pros and cons. After a long discussion and big list of profits and losses we come to the only one conclusion.

This is a fucking 'Let's get ourselves killed' mission. I mean look at us, just to save ourselves from one killer, we are going to another.

I really have no idea how are we gonna survive the 'badass girl' who happens to scare off mafia people too! To say I am worried is an understatement but, what can I do? There is no better option so, here I am walking with others as we are heading to lion's den.

"Do you think she will help us?" Ronnie asks.

I have been asking same question to myself since we stepped into the forest. I just shrug my shoulder at her.

"Well I hope she hear us out first before trying to kill us" Jen speaks.

"Don't worry strawberry, I am having a good feeling about this. I think she will help us." Nick says, making Jen blush when she hear him call her by nickname he gave to her. Wow! Girl is blushing in this condition too? I don't know what to say to that.

Alice and Kian are silent the whole ride while Nick, Jenna and Ronnie are talking non-stop and disturbing the silence.

I am occupied in my own thoughts of some random girl thinking what she must be like if Ravan and his men are also scared of her.

"Did you hear that? I heard something." Jenna's voice break me from my trance.

"You have two minutes to explain who are you and why are you trespassing on my property." A female voice comes from behind us.

Fuck! Her voice sends the chills down my spine, and the cold in the air is not helping either. We all stand still for a minute, before turning around together.

My heartbeats turns faster as I eye the figure standing in the shadows.

A girl, holding a gun in her hands, which is pointing towards us. She is sitting on black horse, her face is hidden underneath the hood of her black coat, and as she is standing in the shadows it is harder to see anything else clearly.

I was so distracted by the girl and gun that I almost forgot about the horse until he flares his nose and neighs. Hell! Even her horse looks angry!

She repeats her words, "You have two minutes to explain who are you and why are you trespassing on my property?" Her gun point moves from Kian to me and back to Kian as she asks us question.

"Not you. You! You girl in white you tell me who are you!" She stops Kian when he tries to speak and points her gun towards Alice and ask her to talk.

"Ma-mam. We a-aa-are r-really s-sorr-ry for trespassing your property. Mrs. Duddl-les to...ld u-us a-ab-bout you. We a-aa-are in prob..." Alice says, her body shivering as she tries to talk. Kian keeps his hand on her shoulder in protective manner as if encouraging her.

"Stop. Speak". She moves gun from Alice to Nick and order him to speak. He looks surprised at first but recovers fast from his surprised state.

"We need your help Miss. We are from London and came here for vacation. But, our security guards betrayed us and now they are trying to kidnap us all. My name is Nicholas this is my wife Jenna. They are my brother Kian and Adrian. That girl in white is Kian's wife, Alice. And this is, Ver-I mean Veronica, Adrian's fiancé."

"Lower you gun we don't mean any harm." I tell her, my voice more harsh than I intended.

When your family is at stake anyone will go insane, I think same happened with me. She looks at me with her scrutinizing gaze and slowly, like very slowly move the gun point towards me.

"It will be me who will choose when to lower my gun Mr. Adrian. I don't take orders from people and if you want my help you will mind your tone." She says, her voice hard and laced with warning.

She looks at us all, one by one, taking in our appearance. I could feel her gaze lingering on each one of us before she speaks again, "Why should I help you?"

"Please! I say sorry from Adrian's side. Try to understand please. We will be indebted to you forever. We can even give you mo-money if-f you wa-want. Just he-help u-us... please." Veronica starts crying.

Finally, she steps out of the shadows. Giving us all a once over, she put her gun on her back and get down from horse in an easy motion. She walks towards us and next thing we know, she takes off the hood off of her face.

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