Chapter 1

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Angel's POV

It is quite an unusual night. I don't know why but I am feeling restless tonight. I sit in front of my window and stare at the stormy sky.

The storm has been going on for hours. Loud noise of thunder, light streaks illuminating the sky and the sound of rain droplets hitting the glass constantly. I have always been fascinated with this scenario.

Even when I was a kid I would sit in the front window and watch the storm for hours unlike other kids who used to hide in their parents embrace.

Storms never scared me but today, today I feel scared. The wild blow of wind is giving me chills. The type of chill you feel in your bones.

It's more like nature is enraged about something.

Giving me the feeling that something is going to happen. Something that is going to change my life forever but I can't figure it out.

I have been up all night since I woke up again drenched in sweat with my heart beating a mile an hour.

Since then I have been staring at the art of nature unfolding in front of me. I think I still haven't grown out of my habit of staring at the storms.

I look at my watch, it shows five am. I have wasted more than an hour doing nothing and just staring at the sky. It's time for me to get back to my work. Living all by your own means doing your work with your own hands.

And work is something I enjoy immensely. No matter what the work is. Call it cooking, cleaning, or taking care of my horses.

Well, actually horse and mare; thunder and storm. They have been with me since I turned ten. Dad bought them for me. I still remember that day.

"Dad! You promised dad! You said last year that you will allow me to get my own pet on my birthday. You can't just say NO now!" I whine.
"Sorry honey, I can't allow you to get your own pet" as I hear this I run to my bedroom crying.
"Angie! Listen to me, baby." He says following me in my room. He sits on my bed and I hide my face in my pillow. He chuckles at my behaviour.
"Angie, princess! I can't allow you to get your own pet because I bought you a pet already." I stop crying and look at him. Shocked. Suddenly I squeal in excitement and hug him.
"Now princess. You don't want to kill me by choking me to death, do you?" And he laughs at his own joke.

My father was my world. He loved me and my twin sister too much.

But he was closer to me than my twin. Maybe because mine and his personalities were the same.

He was the one who taught me everything I know today. He was a fighter and he made me one too. Taught me the use of every weapon. Taught me the rules of every fight. But along with that he taught me to be human. After all, he was my mentor, my teacher and a greatest friend.

He was the best father a girl could ask for.

I remember the first fight of my life. I was ten years old. My opponent was a boy, around a sixteen-year-old. Heavily built. Still, I managed to put him to ground in a mere ten minutes. There was not even a single scratch on my body. Dad was so proud of me that day.

I still remember his words like he just whispered them to me.

"You won today's fight that doesn't mean you will win all the fights in future Angie. Don't let your one win get into your head. There are many more fights you have to fight in your life. If you win then make yourself ready for next fight if you lose then accept it as a trophy. Learn to accept those defeats and learn from those mistakes. Only then will you become a true fighter"

Okay! I want to say thanks to my all readers. Thank youu sooo muchh!

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