Chaptet 10

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Adrian's POV

There she stands in front of us. She removes the hood from her face. I stand still looking at her. I didn't think much when those people were telling us about her but now that I am standing in front of her, I think now I know what they meant.

A chilliness surrounds her as she keeps staring at us. I suddenly feel the cold in the air increasing. I know the person standing in front of me is not the one to be messed with.

How I know that? Well I am a businessman, I meet enough of people on daily basis that now I have come to understand a person based on their appearances.

And the person standing in front of me, she is something.

I can't help but keep looking at her.

Her face is hard, concealing all the emotions.
Her stance is steady. I wonder who this woman is.

She is a mesmerizing beauty I have to admit that. Sharpe eyes, pink lips, jet back hair. She is beautiful and not as average beautiful. It's the beauty which makes you look twice. But the most attractive thing I find is her confidence.

I have never in my life met a woman who would intimidate me but here I am feeling intimidated by this petite woman who doesn't even reach my shoulder length.

I was so busy looking at her mesmerising beauty that I forgot my family and my fiancé were standing there with me until Ronnie put her hand on my shoulder.

I break from my trance and look at Ronnie. She has stopped crying but is still flushed because of crying.  I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

I know I am marrying her for business purpose but that doesn't mean I have no compassion what' so ever for her. She's been the only woman in my life who has lasted this long with me. And I am really grateful for that.

"You all girls are thin and the saddle of my horse is quite bigger than usual. It's made for two but you girls can squeeze in on it. It's better than walking, cause we have to walk for half hour more to reach to my house." She says.

"Won't they fall?" Kian asks. She looks at him for a while before speaking.

"Sorry, but I forgot your name." She speaks, guilt present in her voice. But she continues before Kian can introduce himself. "And no they won't fall, Thunder is more responsible animal than any human you will ever meet and they are so thin I am sure they will be fine." She says to him.

"Kian, my name is Kian Kingston." Kian introduces himself and she nods her head at him.

She helps the girls to get on the horse and straps them to the horse so they won't fall. She pats the head of the horse and then turns towards us.

"Umm... if you guys won't mind me asking, do you own some business here and there and happened to be the billionaires or something like that?" She asks.

Her question surprise me. We are a long way from home, I never expected anyone to recognise us. But the thought of her knowing who I am and what I do for living is satisfying in a way, I can't explain. I chuckle, imagining the look on her face when she gets to know who we are.

"Yes. Yes, we do own businesses here and there and yes we are billionaires and to be specific add multi before billionaires." I reply, grinning at her smugly. My brothers also give her smug looks. But the look she give us, turns my grin into frown.

She ignores us, takes the rein of the horse and starts walking, taking all three girls with her. I look at her back as she walks forward, I heave a sigh and start walking after her along with my brothers.

Fifteen minutes of walking and we are still not there yet. I wonder how much more time it will take to reach to her home. "How much time till we reach there?" Jenna voices my thoughts.

She turns to look at her and then looks back at us. Her gaze return forward and she stare in front of her without saying anything. I follow the line of her gaze and there I see a two story house, surrounded by trees. 


Well I thought why not give you guys some present from me, think of this as a Diwali present from me. ;-D

You know I don't like to give those photos and references of actors for my characters. Sometimes they don't match to people's expectations. It happens with me a lot. I always skip those chapters where they show photos of who is playing which character. I like to use my imagination and I think you guys should use your imagination with my book so I skipped that part. But if you want some reference I sure as hell will try to find someone matching my characters.

Let me know in comments if you like this chapter or not.

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