Chapter 6

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Adrian's POV

Two guys holding guns and pistol in their hands are blocking our path. This is nightmare. One of them command us to step outside and we step out of the car with our hand up in the air.

"What do you want? We can give you as much money as you want, just let us go and don't hurt anyone." Kian says.

"We don't want any money and keep your mouth shut or we might hurt someone accidentally. NOW MOVE!" He yells.

Our three guards also point there gun at us. Fuck the shit! They are helping fucking goons.

Me, Kian and Nick look at each other and secrete massage passes between us through our eyes. We start walking towards cars as I whisper ask Veronica to scream like she is in pain.

She starts crying and yelling. Damn, I must say she is a good actor. For some seconds they lose their composition, confused about what is going on.

We use this opportunity, grab guns from their hands and smash them on their head.

Alice, Veronica and Jenna manage to get their hands on one guy and struggle to take gun from his hands. One of them over power Kian and they get into fist fight.

Sound of gunshot ring in the air. All of us stop in fear thinking that one of us got shot. But, luckily it was one of the guard. I see him collapsing on the ground, as blood flow from his wound, all three girls stand their looking at the man in shock.

We somehow overpower them and manage to escape. We run in forest randomly as none of us have any idea where we are going.

We have been walking for some time now. My legs are aching badly. I know everyone must be feeling same so I keep quiet and walk. We all know that those people must be trying to find us so we don't stop for rest and no one complaints about walking nonstop either.

As we run deeper in the forest we realise that no one is on our trail anymore so we take a stop for few minutes. And then resume our journey by walking. We need to get the hell out of the town as soon as possible so we keep going on.

After walking for hours we reach to some small town around seven in the evening. As soon as people of that town see us they starts shutting door of their house and closing their shops. At first it feels weird but then it dawn on us that something is up.

Seeing the behaviour of people of this town we think it is best to hide ourselves. It is getting dark too. At the end of the town Kian spots an old house. Thinking that house is empty we hide there.

We make ourselves comfortable as we sit on ground. The seriousness of the issue dawn on me when I sit there and let my thoughts wonder.

"Aaaaa" Suddenly a girl screams. Startled, I look in the direction of scream, I find a girl looking at us with wide eyes, and fearful expressions.

"Hey, hey, hey... please. Please keep quite or they will hear you!" Alice says to her in hushed voice, keeping a hand on the girl's mouth. The girl just stand there with wide eyes, still in shock.

"Yes, please. We are not gonna harm you, I swear. It is just that some people are after us and trying to kidnap us. Please keep quiet!" Jenna continues.

The girl keep staring at us, noticing us one by one. Alice take her hand off the girl's mouth. And try to speak with her but she stays still.

After two minutes of silence she snap out of it and says "Come with me!"

We all look at her for a moment Kian nod at us signalling that we should do as she says so we follow her. She take us deeper in the house and stop in front of dark room.

"Stay here I will be back" She leaves us alone in there.

I take deep breath and sit on the cold ground once again and soon others follow my steps and settle themselves on ground. Ronnie sit beside me and rest her head on my chest and I wrap my arm around her.

I look at my brothers and find them soothing their wives in the same manner, engulfing them in their arms and whispering calming words in their ears. As if sensing my gaze on them they look at me. Our gazes meet and we silently support each other through our eyes.

"What if she contacts those goons and bring them here?" It's Nick who ask breaking the pin drop silence. Everyone look at him, assessing the words he just said.

"I don't think she will contact them she looks genuine." Alice say.

"Yeah, she does look genuine." Jenna supports Alice's words, and silence descends on us once again. Everyone lost in their own thoughts.

After some minutes we hear a noise and some footsteps. Three people stand in front of us. The same girl who left earlier, a woman and a man.

The man and woman both look at us, their judging eyes moving from one person to other.

"Hello, my name is Bob Duddles and this is my wife Michelin and my daughter Julia." The man says, extending his hand for us to shake.

Kian steps forward and shake hand with Bob. He introduce us all to the family standing in front of us.

"So what you guys are doing here, in my home?" He questions.

When he says home, I look around and check my surrounding thinking how someone could call this empty room as home. As if sensing my questions he explains, "It's a dungeon. It's underground. Main house is above the dungeon. My daughter saw you guys in our backhouse so, she bought you here with underground rout."

Oh! I find myself nodding at him subconsciously.

We tell him everything that has happened. Every minute we talk they both look at each other and share looks. Both Mr. and Mrs. Duddles goes out of our earshot to talk something privately. When they come back Mrs. Duddles smile at us sadly.

"Do you know who those people are after you???" Bob ask us, we nod our head in NO in unison. He huffs, and sit on one bench.

"They are known as Ravan's men. Ravan is their leader and mafia king in this town! I know about this because they described you by your attire and looks, they announced about killing those who will help you"

Ah! So that is how they know about everything. That explains their earlier behaviour.

"Hun they look hungry, at least let them eat something. Wait here sweethearts, I will bring something for you to eat." Mrs. Duddles says smiling at us all and leaves along with Julia.

After Mrs. Diddles is gone Bob continue "Ravan is dangerous man. We can't help you as half of this town is under him and no one in this town dream of crossing him." Bob says.

Before anyone could reply him, Mrs. Duddles returns with Julia, both holding plates in hands full of food. They pass plates to us, the sight of food makes my stomach growl. We take those plates and dig in.

"We just need to get out of this town. Our phones are not with us as they took them away when they cornered us earlier. We cannot call anyone right now and then Alice here is pregnant so we cannot keep on running, as it is no good for her health." I reply, after I take a bite of my sandwich.

The couple look at each other, again. Looks like, couple like talking with each other through eyes.

"There is one person in this whole town who can help you." Julia says and we all look at her. Sensing all attention is on her, she looks away shyly.

"Who?" Kian ask her, unable to contain his hopefulness. She looks at her mother and father and then replies hesitantly "A-ang-angel".

They are gonna meet soon! I have been dying to write that chapter where they meet! ;-)
Btw thank you those who are still with me and reading my stuff. It doesn't matters if it is one person who is reading it or thousand. I still think it is huge that even one person in this whole world is finding my story intriguing! So thanks to you all.

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