chapter 3

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Adrian 's POV

I am in my office as usual reading files, approving changes, and signing important papers as my gaze goes to the window. I disappear in my thoughts once again. It has been happening with me now for days.

I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in."

"Sir Mr. Summers is waiting for you in the meeting room with the head of the advertising department." John my assistant says as he enters my cabin.

"I'll be there in five." he nods his head at me and leaves.

I will leave for home as soon as I am done with my meeting.

I watch passing cars and people walking on the road through the window of my car as we make our way to my apartment through the busy roads of London.

"Hey baby" I hear Veronica's voice as I enter my house.

"You are early home today. Are you okay? You are not sick, are you?" She looks up at me worriedly.

"Yup. I am all good. I was not in the mood to do work so I came back early." I reply.

She smiles and gives a small peck on my lips and walks back to the kitchen.

I look at her retreating form covered in silk.

How long it's been since I have spent some time with her. Right! I haven't spent any time with her for months now.

And I wonder why I am suddenly feeling this need to cancle the engagement.

I need to get this idea out of my head.

"Are you even listening to me?" She says.

"Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening. Please repeat what you said."

"You really sure you are alright?" She asks. Concern marring her face.

"Of course I am all right. Why you keep asking that?"

"Because you are absent minded all the time these days. You have started coming home early too and I am not complaining. It's just... It's out of your character. It's like you are tired. And it's okay if you are. You know what I think? I think that going on this vacation will help you to freshen up a Lil bit."

I walk up to her and pull her closer to me.

"You know why I was absent minded? Because future Mrs. Kingston you are walking around in red silk. And I happen to be your fiance and who has spent his last few months so into the work now that all I can think about is how I am going to make it upto you."

With that said I kiss. I pour all of my feelings in that kiss, trying to forget the brewing feeling of emptiness from my chest.

But before we could proceed further my phone starts ringing. Argh! How I hate it.

I heave a sigh of frustration and pull it out of my pocket. It shows the face of my brother

"Hey man what's up?"

"What you want Nick?"

"Just like that? Bro, I am your brother at least show some affection!"

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