Chapter 12

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Angel's POV:

I have been in my office for a while now, checking some emails and stuff. Feeling the need for coffee, I close my laptop and make way towards the kitchen. I stretch my arms and neck a little on my way, as they are stiff as hell because of sitting for so long.

I pour myself some water and start making coffee. You know that phase when no matter how much you try to sleep you can't even when your eyes are aching like shit, but your brain is not ready to shut down and let you rest. Exactly that's what I am going through right now.

I sit on the kitchen counter and take a sip of my coffee. Enjoying the feeling of bitter-sweetness wash over my tongue.

"Angel, honey, why would you do that?"

"She broke the nose of my son, and you are being sweet with her?!"

"I am talking to my daughter, Mrs. Ray. I am sure your son must have done something for her to react in such a way." He turns to me, "Now honey, would tell us what exactly happened?" the gentleness returning to the voice as he spoke to me.

"He was bullying my friend, dad. He and his buddies were beating him. So I asked them to stop and let him go. In return, they turned on me and tried to bully me. I told them they will regret it, but they didn't listen, so I broke his nose to make him listen."

"See, Mrs. Ray, your son is the one who is at fault here and not my daughter. So I sugge..."

"I don't give a shit! Your daughter broke my son's nose. Humiliated him in front of whole school. Either your daughter apologize to my son or I go to the police and file a complaint about her! You choose." Mrs. Ray keeps screaming.

Uh-oh. Bad move. I can see dad's losing it. Can't she see it? This woman is digging a grave for herself and her asshole of a son.

"Mrs. Ray, just to let you know, my daughter let your son go easily when she could have easily broken his limbs along with his nose without a hesitation. And if you assumed my daughter will apologize then you assumed wrong. Now leave before you regret."

I smile as I remember the first person I saved, the kid was so scared. I thought dad would get mad at me for getting in a fight on the first day of school.

He didn't.

Instead, he told me, helping people when they are in need is a good thing to do. And I did great by standing up for the kid.

"Next time, just don't break noses and limbs of people?"

I chuckle, remembering the amused expression on my father's face.

Bip. Bip. Bip. Security alarms goes off. I take my phone out and check all the surveillance cameras.

Five men are coming towards the cabin. From the look of them, I know they are Raven's men. I swear, I am gonna kill that piece of shit sooner or later if he keeps pissing me off like this.

I am sure as hell they are here for the sleeping beauties who are sound asleep in my room.

I sigh. I am not really in the mood to fight. But still I move to grab my guns and knives. Strapping them to my legs, I step out of the house. I climb a nearby tree and hide myself in the shadows. Waiting for them to show up.

I spot two men making their way towards the backyard. First one holding a gun and other one with knife.

I wait. I want to know what they will do. They pick the lock of the back door, which I deliberately left open.

The next thing I know is they are pulling everyone out harshly. Guns pointing towards their head.

The other three approach the cabin and all five surround the group. So I wasn't wrong. They are here for Kingston family.

One of the men of Raven raise the knife to Veronica's throat. And that's my cue to start the show.

The world around me goes silent as I aim the gun point. I pull the trigger and a loud thud pierce the stillness as the body of man number one hit the ground.

Everything stills.

Ah. How I love this silence. But I don't have time. All of them are armed, and they could harm Kingston family easily. Therefore, before anyone could interpret what happened, I aim for other four men.

Raven's men drop-dead to the ground one by one as I shoot.

I jump from my spot and half jog towards the Kingston's. All of them stand there in shock. They gape at the dead bodies.

It's Adrian who snaps out of it first. "You killed them?"

"Yes." I answer with no expressions on my face.

"Where the fuck were you when they were pulling Alice out with her hair?!" Kian shouts. Looking all mad and ready to kill.

I roll my eyes. I get it he was worried about his wife, but fuck, he doesn't have to tear apart my ear drums.

"Woman! I am asking you something. Where were you when they pulled us out of bed with a gun to our head? My wife is pregnant, for god's sake. Something could have happened to her, to my unborn child." His voice raising with every word.

I don't want to deal with his childish tantrums, so I turned on my heel and started walking back to the cabin.

"He is right. Where were you when they were pulling us out with a gun aimed at our head?" Nick says.

"First thing, lower your voice. I am not your employee, and neither am I sworn to protect you. Second thing, I saved your asses before they killed you, so I think it's 'Thank you' you should be saying."

You might think they stopped yelling and actually thanked me. But no! You know what they did? They started yelling at me.

God, I hate this. These people are fucking idiots.

"You know what? Fuck you! You all can go and find a way out for yourself. But yeah, just to let you know I was actually trying to kill them without them harming any one of you, and the easiest way was to put you out there as a bait, so they will be busy when I will have my gun pointed at their head. And see what? It worked! None of you are dead or injured in any way." I glare at them. "Now get the hell out of my property in the next fifteen minute, and if you don't, it will be me you will be running from!"

Who the fuck they think they are? Yelling at me! Telling me what to do when I saved their fucking asses! Fucking ungrateful bitches.

I am too furious. I walk back to my cabin. I am ready to shut the door on their faces when a hand stops the door from closing.


"I am sorry."

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And I am really, really sorry for the late update. Chapter was ready, I just forgot to upload. :-))

Let me know what you think about this chapter in comments.

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