Chapter 5

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Angel's POV

I am done with my chores. Now, it is time for breakfast and then I will be leaving for my work. I work as mechanic in a garage. It is a small and only garage in this town which belongs to Bob. Bob is nice man, around the age of my father and married to a sweet woman named as Michelin, but I prefer to call her Mrs. Duddles. She is lovely and joyous woman. They have a daughter named Julia, who is as pretty as Mrs. Duddles. We met under very unusual circumstances.

"Somebody help! HELP! Please help us!" I hear a woman screaming. "You bastard! Leave my daughter. You will rot in hell if you hurt her in any way." She yell and start hitting the man who is dragging a girl across the road by holding her hairs. She keep hitting him, screaming at him, throwing profanities at him. Two men come forward and hold the woman with her arms. Stopping her from attacking the man who is now holding the girl in the middle of the road.

"Plea-s-se leave m-m-me! I a-am so ss-sorr-ry! I-I m-ma-de mist-stake! Pl-lea-se!" The girl cry out. Hiding behind the shadows I watch the scene unfold in front of me for a few minutes. When the man slap the girl hard across her cheek, she fall on the ground. Her sobbing increases. I stand where I am trying to make up my mind about I want to help then or not. But the good in me win over my logical side. I sigh, so much for trying to stay discrete

"Leave the girl" I say stepping out of the shadow. All of them stop and look at me. One of them speak "And who the fuck do you think you are to tell us what to do?" He growl at me. "I said 'leave the girl'. Are you going to do that or do I have to make you do that?" All three men look me and then start laughing like I am joking. The one who was going to hit the girl again turn fully towards me. "You must be new in the town" He spit at me and then give me evil smile "No wonder you are trying to save the sl*t. listen here bitch, I am giving you chance to apologise to me so you better do that and leave before I change my mind. Or, the consequences won't be good for you." I look at him and cock my one eyebrow mocking him with my gesture.

"Don't mess with us girl. You don't know who we are. If you want to live you better do as I say. " He says, annoyance clear on his face. "I don't know who you are and I don't give a fucking shit about it. And about me being new... so yeah I am new in the town. And now I will give you chance to redeem yourself by leaving the girl alone and apologising to her and her family. Or you won't like the consequences." I say to him pronouncing the last line in the same tone he used with me.

I think he don't like it cause he sneer at me "You will understand that, you should have taken the chance when I gave it to you after I am thoroughly done with you." He smirk at me and then lung for me. I move out of his way and he fall on his face. Too slow! I smirk.

The other two step in and try to grab me but I step back. Spinning on my heel I kick one of them in the face. Sound of cracking of bones reach my ears. I smile as he stumble on the ground groaning in pain. When the third guy try to lung at me again I grab his hand and twist it with my left hand while I use my right hand to break his floating ribs.

In the meantime the first guy who is too slow, manage to punch me in the face. My lip bust open with the impact of the punch. Blood start oozing out of my wound. I wipe the blood as he smile at me in triumph.

I eye his movement. They are out of control, showing me his anger. Rule no one: Don't let your anger get better of you. I smirk again! Goading him. He take the bait and lung at me again, I know he only wants to harm me in any way he can. I move aside and he stumble forward, I jump back on my one leg and slam my foot of other leg into backside of his neck. I land on my both feet. And before he could recover my attack I grab his neck and snap it without showing any mercy.

From that day onward Mrs. Duddles started treating me like her own daughter. Bob and Julia don't speak much to me, specifically Julia, the girl is scared of me like I am going to eat her alive for breakfast. Other than these three people I don't talk to anyone else. I am not here to make friends and I am not planning on changing my mind either.

After taking shower and changing into my regular attire; black jeans with black t-back top and a checks shirt of blue and black colour I make my way to the kitchen. I prepare some pancakes and egg odd combo I know but I don't care, I like both of those things too much. I finish my breakfast within minutes. I grab my bag of extra clothes and head out. Getting in my car I make my way towards the garage.

Is there anyone who like to read fight scenes? Do you want me to extend those scene?
Do you like our badass Angie? As a person I mean.

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