Chapter 03

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I groaned walking back desperately trying to find my way back to the class. I should have taken the route map from Han. Dumb me.

I roamed around a few times finally giving up and deciding to ask someone.

I saw a lady with a white shirt and formly fitted black skirt. I turned to her direction swiftly to ask. Which was stupid because bumped into someone and stumbled backwards barely managing not to fall flat on my ass. I looked up to mumble a sorry when my tongue tied at seeing the same man whom I saw earlier outside the office.

"I'm sorry." He apologised before I could even take in what just happened.

"I-it's okay. It was my fault. I am sorry." I quickly composed myself.

"If you don't mind can you tell me the direction to MSc thesis research department." I asked him, what if he knows, which could save me from a few extra steps to the lady.

"Yeah sure, it's on the second floor towards the right of the main entrance to the library." He flashed a genuine smile. I didn't expect a reply that fast and precise. Maybe he isn't a new one here.

"Thank you so much. I didn't have the route map with me. It's with my friend. I thought I remembered the path but seems like I forgot. And I am running late already. Oops, and now I'm chattering." I smacked my forehead thinking how mindless I was pouring all unnecessary stuffs, that too, to a stranger.

He merely chuckled at my idiotic self, "Pleasure to be of help to you." With that he smiled again and walked away from me.

I was awestruck at his reaction. I thought he would snap at me for being so talkative. Unconsciously, I too smiled at his fading figure.

Because of his help I reached the classroom just two minutes before the professor entered the room. It took me a while to find Hannah among the students. She waved at me, I reached out to her and sat beside the seat to her on the right. We sat on the second last row. This is my comfort spot. Neither at the front nor at the back. It's better if I don't sit at the last seat or else god knows if I will be awake at all.

Shortly enough the class started after the introductory session. At first I was so excited and so into the lectures. Then slowly the determination started fading away.

I'm pretty good when it comes to studies and stuffs but it's so damn hard for me to concentrate on something for more than ten minutes.

No I shouldn't be like this. This is my first class atleast for the sake of it I need to listen whatever the professor's saying. With the new found determination I opened my eyes widely to stay awake.

"Pssst." I turned to see an equally sleepy headed Han. I looked at her and nodded.

"Where the hell were you?" Her eyes bore into me.

"I got lost."

"I told you to take the map."

"Hey atleast I got here, right?"

"Yeah after making your friend wait till she gets mummified."

"I'm sorry. Some guy helped me out to find the way."

"Name?" I don't think I was that close enough to ask him his name so I shrugged at Han.

"And what about William?"

Screw the class, I ain't listening to this hell hole anymore. I poured in the whole conversation I had with William.

By the time I finished, the class was getting wound up. Next class doesn't start for about a forty five minutes. So we decide to find out the so very famous online friend of Han's.

"Where is he? It's been already five minutes." We were outside the building in a vast ground. The view was just awesome, the greenery, the flowers and the little gazebo with vines intertwined and bloomed flowers. The weather was cold but in a good way. I pulled my black jacket close to my body. I was wearing a white turtle neck and high waisted skinny jeans.

"Says the one who made me wait for about an hour." Hannah scoffed.

"That was totally NOT intentional." I emphasized each words with a glum smile.

"I think that's him." Han squeeked pointing excitedly behind me.

I turned and saw someone walking towards us. He was tall compared to our small figure. His dark hair was bouncing as he made his way through to us. He had a bright smile that turned his eyes to crescents.

"Hannah?" His voice was so smooth.

"Jimin?" Han was smiling like a happy kid who just got her Christmas present.

"It's so good to see you finally." He squeeked as he gave her a side hug.

"It's good to see you too. I never thought we will be able to meet like this."

They looked at each other happiness overflowing from both the faces. This really looks like a reunion of two lost childhood friends after years.

Hey folks I'm right over here, care to introduce me. I expectantly looked at Han who was so busy with Jimin. When finally she looked at me, she got the signal from my third wheeling look.

"Jimin, this is Eliza. Eliza, this is Jimin."

He looked at me and extended his hands with a smile that nearly made his eyes close completely.

"Hai, Eliza. I have heard a lot about you from Han."

"Hello, it's so good to meet you finally. And you can call me Ella." I took his hands and shook it.

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