Chapter 59

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"This is your desk. If you have any other queries you may come to the front desk. Have a good day." Mrs. Gayle said showing me to my seat. After giving me a quick brief to my works and needs in the company, she left.

"Hey, I'm Freya. Your neighbour by the way." A hand was extended to me by a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her demeanor was cheerful and free.

"Hey, I'm Eliza." I shook hands with her.

"So what do you think about the place?" She asked still smiling showing that perfect set of teeth.

"It's good and...clean." I said doubt lacing in my voice not knowing the exact words.

"Aah first day nervousness. You doing good by the way. You should have seen me on mine, I completely freaked out and even spilt the coffee on Mrs. Gayle." She laughed making me feel more at ease. She seemed really talkative and friendly, I can already see us hanging out together.

"Well that's unforgettable. I hope I won't throw up after meeting with the boss."

"Trust me, that's the least you must be bothered about in here. He is the coolest one in here."

"That's a relief." I agreed letting out a breath.

The rest of the day was me getting introduced to the other colleagues and work related stuffs. Freya was with me all along and she was wonderful. She was outgoing and friendly that there was no one who doesn't know her and had a conversation with her.

Even our boss was a really nice guy who interacts with his employees and gets along very well.

During our lunch break, I checked my phone. I thought to control my phone addiction atleast for the first day. I saw texts from Emily telling that she and Taehyung will be visiting us next day evening. Apparently, she have a lot of goods from mom for me. Then I saw Han and Jimin asking about my first day and if I got new friends. Seokjin texted too about today and if he has to come here so we could go together. I had to decline since I came here in my car which he knew too. All their messages made me extremely happy and assured that they always have my back.

"Without you today, I would have been totally bored by now. It's been months since that seat has been vacant, making me lonely in this little cubicle." She said once we left our cabin as the work for the day was finally over.

"I am glad too, Freya." I agreed. She was the reason why I was able to enjoy my first day this much.

"How are you leaving by the way?"

"I have my car." I drove by myself today since Jin had to leave early. "What about you?"

"My uncle will come since my car is in the workshop. A little hit in the driveway mail." She added with a mischievous smile.

"Oh there he is." She waved her hands as her eyes lit up. "Hello old man, you are late."

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" Came the familiar voice.

"Mr. Wesley?" That was unexpected. Jace Wesley, Seokjin's friends and my professor was Freya's uncle. But he is so young.

"Eliza? How many times have I told you to call me Jace?" He said once his shock was stifled.

"You know each other?" This time it was Freya, who was looking clueless as much as she could with those green eyes.

"Yeah she was my student at the Uni and now you work here? It's great." He beamed.

"Yeah, it is nice to meet you Mi-uhh- Jace." I corrected myself.

"Did you eat her ears out little niece?" He scolded ruffling her hair to a mess.

"You know I can't leave a potential listener alone." She whined glaring at him but only managing to look like a cute doll.

"Well she's more of a talker than a listener, Fre. You should sit with her in class." He gave me a knowing look to which I had to give a sheepish smile. Guilty.

"That's my girl. Who could survive his dry class? Just proves how human you are, Ela."

He smacked her lightly making me laugh again. They later explained on our way out to the parking lot that Jace and his sister is fifteen years apart making him more like a brother than an uncle to Freya.

"Is Seokjin at the University? I didn't go there today." He asked when we reached my car.

"Yeah, he must have returned back home already." I informed as I got in the car. We said our goodbyes and I left with a smile knowing I had the perfect first day. And possibly a new friend.

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