Is This A Date?

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        "Sure, I'll come with you." Lucy accepted Gray's offer. She went back to her apartment to get some warmer clothes on, so she didn't freeze on the mountain. Gray said that he would come over in an hour so they could walk up the mountain trail together. Lucy put on a white coat, brown leggings, White boots, brown mittens, and a brown scarf.

        About an hour later, Lucy heard a knock on her door. She opened the door to welcome Gray.

        "Hey, I'm ready." She welcomed him.

        "Okay, lets go." He instinctively held out his hand and she clasped her hand in his. They walked side by side through town, holding hands the whole way up the mountain path. When they finally arrived at a plateau covered in snow, Lucy spotted the small shed Gray had told her about.

        "Here we are." Gray said as he pulled a key out of his pocket, unlocked the door, and swung it open. He pulled out a small bench and set it down on the snow near where he was going to start his training. Lucy sat down on it.

        "Okay." Gray took his shirt off and handed it to Lucy. She folded it and placed it on the bench next to her. He stretched for a couple minutes, then got into a push-up position.

        "Can you tell me when I get to fifty? Sometimes I lose count." He asked Lucy.

        "Sure." She counted in her head, but she said "ten","twenty", and so on out loud so he knew how much farther he had to go.

        "Fifty" She said aloud. Gray sat down on the snow.

        "You could hold my feet down while I do sit-ups, if you want to." He said. Lucy walked over, squatted down at his feet, and put her hands on his feet.

        "How many of these are you going to do?" Lucy asked.

        "As many as I can." He smirked. He put his hands behind his head and began. Lucy watched as he smoothly executed each sit-up. She lost count around fifty, and he carried on well beyond that. After a couple minutes, Lucy noticed that he began to slow down, breathe harder, and sweat a little. He got slower, and slower, laying for a second between each sit up to breathe. She couldn't help but to watch his abs flex as he breathed. He finally stopped. Lucy removed her hands from his feet and stood up. Gray got up and decided to take a two minute break.

        "How many sit-ups was that?" Lucy asked as they sat down on the bench.

        "I lost count." He said. "But It felt like more than last time."

        "What now?" Lucy asked.

        "Now, I usually run around the perimeter of the plateau." He pointed. Lucy noticed that there were some rocks, stumps, and logs scattered around the perimeter. Gray stood up and started running. Lucy watched as he vaulted over a large rock, jumped a log, ran onto a stump, jumped off, and continued around, and around, and around. He ran for about ten minutes and then slowed down to a jog, avoiding the obstacles. He sped back up after five minutes and ran the last ten minutes with obstacles. He slowed down for a lap, then walked over to the shed. He came out with a water bottle in his hand, and began to freeze it, but didn't let it freeze completely. He got a towel from the shed and sat next to Lucy. He wiped his face with the towel and hung it around the back of his neck.

        "So... Do you do any magic training?" Lucy asked.

        "Yup. That's what I'm going to do next." He replied. He took a ten minute break and chatted with Lucy. Once his time was up, He walked into the middle of the space.

        "Ice make: Shield!" He chanted.  He concentrated as hard as he could. A giant shield formed in front of him.

        "Woah! That could shield all of the guild members at once!" Lucy said in awe.

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