Wonderful Saturday

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        It was Friday night at the Fairy Tail guild. Lucy sat at a table with Erza, Levy, Wendy, and Carla.

        "What are you guys doing this weekend?" Wendy asked.

        "I'm going out of town to visit my armor smith." Erza stated.

        "I'm going book shopping!" Levy said excitedly.

        "Me and Carla are going to go shopping too!" Wendy giggled.

        "I'm not sure what I'm doing." Lucy said.

        "You don't have any plans?" Erza looked up from her cake. Lucy shook her head.

        "Nope, nothing." She sighed. They talked about their plans for a while, then Gray came over and sat down next to Lucy.

        "Hey." He said casually.

        "Hi. Did you get sick of Natsu already?" Lucy smiled a greeting.

        "You can only take so much of him before you want to punch him in the face." Gray laughed.

        "Yeah." They all laughed.

        "So, uh..." Gray started to say.

        "What is it?" Lucy asked.

        "Do you have any plans for this weekend?" Gray said nervously.

        "No, why?" Lucy asked. The other girls giggled.

        "Do yo wanna hang out with me tomorrow?" He looked away and scratched the back of his head.

        "Sure, sounds like fun!" Lucy smiled. 

        "Okay, good." Gray looked back at her. "When and where do you want to meet?"

        "Hmm..." Lucy thought for a minute."How about... The big tree, at noon?" She suggested.

        "Sounds fine to me." Gray got up and walked back to the table with a couple other guys."See you then." After he sat back down, Levy and Erza squealed and hugged Lucy.

        "Wah- What the?" Lucy said through their arms.

        "Congrats, Lucy!" Levy said finally.

        "On what?" She said.

        "You got a date tomorrow!" Erza exclaimed.

        "I did?!" Lucy realized.

        "Yes! You did!" Levy said happily. Lucy tried to convince them that it wasn't a date, but she didn't succeed. Lucy went home by herself that night. Gray had offered to walk her home, but she told him that she had her keys with her and she could summon Loki if anything happened. She showered and went to bed.

        She woke up at seven thirty the next morning, and made herself breakfast. She ate and got dressed. She decided to wear a white shirt, a black skirt, black boots that came up to just under her knee, and tied her hair up in her usual side pony tail with a red ribbon. She waited for what seemed like forever. Her clock finally clicked onto 11:45. She jumped up and grabbed her black leather jacket from the pegs by the door, then left for the tree. She walked briskly through the town, and finally the tree came into sight. She started to climb up the hill to it, then spotted Gray leaning against it, arms crossed.

        "Hi." Lucy greeted him.

        "Hey." He responded."Wanna go to the cafe for lunch?"

        "Sure!" She smiled. They began walking side-by-side down the street to the cafe."Hey, can I ask you something?" Lucy said.

        "Yeah, what is it?" Gray looked over at her.

        "Is this supposed to be a date?"

        "That's not really what I intended. I thought this was more like just hanging out on  a day off." He explained.

        "Oh, okay. All the girls thought we were going on a date." Lucy said. 

        "That's typical of them." Gray laughed. They arrived at the cafe, and took a seat at a table for two in the middle of the room. A young man, about the same age as Gray, walked over to their table.

        "Hello, I'm Tom. I'll be taking care of you today." He smiled."What can I get or you?" 

        "I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich, please." Lucy said. Tom turned to Gray.

        "Same." Gray said. Tom walked away into the kitchen. Lucy looked around and noticed a couple people looking at them. Then she heard a couple people say things about them.

        "Look at that couple over there, they're so cute!" One lady said.

        "Gray, people are staring and talking about us." Lucy blushed a little.

        "Don't worry about them." Gray said. Then he heard voices to his left, where a table of teenage boys sat.

        "Woah, dude, look at that super hot chick over there!" One said.

        "Wow!" His friends said. Gray looked over at them, an intimidating look on his face. His eyes said, 'Back off, She's mine'. The boys shivered, and turned back to their table.

        "What was that all about?" Lucy asked.

        "Just some creepy guys staring at you." Gray said."You don't have to worry about them now."

        "What did you do?" Lucy asked.

        "I looked at them." He answered simply.

        "Oh." Lucy said. A couple minutes later, Tom brought their food back. He smiled and placed Lucy's in front of her, then Gray's in front of him. He strode away to other tables. Lucy and Gray enjoyed their meal. When they finished, they paid and walked out the door.

        "What now?" Gray asked.

        "Maybe a walk in the park?" Lucy suggested. Gray nodded, and they walked to the park. When they got there, They walked around for a while, admiring the trees and fountains. They ended up sitting on a bench, talking for a long time."It's going to get dark soon." Lucy noticed.

        "Come on." Gray took her hand and pulled her up from the bench.

        "Where are we going?" She asked.

        "You'll see." Gray smirked and picked up his pace. He led her by her hand back to the tree and up the hill."Here we are." 

        "What?" Lucy looked out across the village and saw that the sunset was about to begin."Oh, this is a really good spot!" They sat down, facing away from the tree. Lucy noticed that Gray was still holding her hand. She decided to let him, and watched the colors spread across the sky. 

        "This is nice." Gray commented.

        "Yeah." Lucy said. They stayed there, holding hands until the stars came out.

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