New Years

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It was late December, and New Years was right around he corner. As a matter of fact, it was December 30th. Mira got everyone's attention and announced that there would be a party at the guild. Levy raced over to Erza and Lucy, declaring that they were going shopping right that minute. They went to the nearest shopping mall and bought a few outfits each. When they got back, they all went home to get ready for the next day. As Lucy walked home, she passed Gray's apartment. She could barely hear a voice. She listened closer and realized that Gray was singing and playing his guitar. She got closer to the building and focused her hearing, drowning out all the normal sounds of Magnolia.

"A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holing you closer than most

Cause you are my heaven." 

Lucy had never heard him sing with such emotion and power. Gray, on the other hand, knew that none of his neighbors were home so he sang to the heavens. Lucy noticed that it was almost dark outside and rushed back home. She planned her outfit and showered with her favorite strawberry scented soap. She went to bed, excited for the party the next day.

Lucy woke early and got dressed, taking time to make sure her clothes were perfect. She put her hair up into a ponytail and tied it tightly. She found that she had several hours left until the party, so she busied herself with writing her novel.

Once the time came, she left her apartment and made her way to the guild. There were several others there, and people slowly trickled in after her. They waited until everyone was present to begin the party,and when it started, it was definitely a Fairy Tail party; drinks to all those who requested it, food fit for a king, and a space cleared away to form a dance floor. There was a giant lacrima on the stage that showed the Fiore crystal ball that would drop at midnight and mark the start of the new year. 

Lucy was on the dance floor with Juvia and Levy until she noticed that Gray was sitting at a table, just watching everyone having fun. She walked over and sat down next to him. 

"Hey, Lucy." He greeted.

"Hi." She responded. "Why aren't you dancing with everyone else?" 

"I don't really like dancing." He stated.

"But you're good at it." Lucy reasoned.

"So? I still don't like it." He crossed his arms.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's awkward." He looked into the distance.

"That doesn't make sense. How can you be so good at something, but not like it?" She rubbed her temples. "You danced with me at the anniversary party." 

"I know." He stated. "And I don't know why I did." He added. Lucy sighed and looked around at everyone else.

"I don't mind slow dancing." He said suddenly. 

"That's even more confusing."She looked back at him. He smirked and glanced at her before returning to scanning the rest of the guild. Juvia and Levy came over to Lucy and asked if she wanted to dance with them. She politely declined and they walked away.

"Why don't you go dance with them?" Gray asked.

"Because... I don't wanna leave you here alone." She sat up and looked into his eyes.

"Lucy..." He didn't really know what to say. "I'm sure you'll have more fun dancing with them than sitting here."

"But." She gazed into his deep, dark blue eyes."I like talking with you." 

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