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It was a lovely afternoon in Magnolia, sun shining and the people were happy. Lucy walked into the guild and spotted Gray sitting at a table alone.

"Hi." She said as she sat down.

"Hey." He replied.

"Where are Natsu and Erza?" She asked.

"Natsu and Happy went on a mission and Erza's over there." He motioned to the bar where Erza and Mira were talking.

"I see." She said.

"Gray! Lucy!" Alzack called to get their attention. They looked up as he walked over with Bisca and Asuka.

"We need to go on a mission and we need someone to watch Asuka for the day. She said she wanted you two to do it." Bisca explained.

"Sure!" Lucy happily agreed.

"Yeah." Gray replied

"Thank you so much." Bisca said.

"We'll be back later!" Alzack called as they left the guild. Asuka ran to Gray and Lucy, climbing up to put herself in between them.

"What do you want to do, Asuka?" Lucy asked. Asuka thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"How about... We go for a walk around town!" Lucy suggested.

"Okay!" Asuka smiled.

The three walked out of the guild and into the streets. Asuka stopped and looked up at the two expactantly.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

"Mommy said to hold her hand when we walk so I don't get lost." She said. Lucy understood and took her hand. Asuka turned to Gray, reaching out to him. He took her small hand in his and they continued walking for a while.

"My feet are tired." She said and let go of their hands, turning to Gray and reaching up toward him. He stared for a minute, not really knowing what she wanted him to do.

"Up." She said, clearing up what she wanted.

"Oh. Okay." He bent over and picked her up, holding her in his arm. She held onto him, one hand on his chest and the other on his back. She turned her head so she could see where they were going. They walked to the river bank and sat against a tree. Asuka sat on Lucy's lap, watching the boats go down the river.

"You know, Asuka, Gray and Natsu would always come here to fight when they were young." Lucy said. Gray gave a small smile at the memories of Natsu and himself battling each other over every little thing.

"Why?" She asked

"Why did they fight?" Lucy clarified. Asuka nodded.

"Well..." Lucy thought for a moment. "You know their magics, right?"

"Yep." Asuka confirmed.

"Okay, so since Gray uses ice and Natsu uses fire...They're opposites. They clash because of that... And it's good training to battle with the opposite element." Lucy explained.

"Oh. Okay." Asuka turned to Gray. "Do you not like Natsu?"

"He just annoys me most of the time... But we're friends." He replied. "Like brothers in a way. And his magic only destroys things, but mine can destroy and create things."

"Really?" She slid off of Lucy's lap and sat down next to Gray, facing him. He smiled and put his hands together, generating a cool aura. He made a Fairy Tail symbol, some little hearts and flowers, and a small sculpture of Happy. Asuka gazed in amazement at the sparkling ice. Lucy giggled as she touched one and found that it was colder than she thought it would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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