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Team Natsu sat at a table in the guild. Gray and Lucy sat across from each other and Gray stared down at his hands. Lucy stared at him, putting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Look at me." She said. He stayed still. "Gray. Look at me." She ordered. He didn't move.

"Erza-san? What's going on?" Wendy asked.

"Well...When Gray walked Lucy home from the party last night, he kissed her." Erza explained.

"O-oh." Wendy blushed slightly. "So why isn't he looking at her?"

"I think it's because he doesn't want to face her." Erza said. They turned back to watch the exchange.

Gray slowly raised his head and looked hesitantly into Lucy's eyes.

"Listen, I'm not mad at you."She stated. "I understand that it was a spur-of-the-moment thing  and that you didn't think first. We can forget that this ever happened if you want."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes." She confirmed. "Nothing happened. I won't see you differently. You're Gray, My friend, my comrade, and my guild-mate. And that will never change." She stared meaningfully into his dark blue eyes. A visible wave of relief washed over him.

"Okay." He relaxed back into his normal self. Lucy smiled warmly at him and the rest of the team resumed their previous conversation.  

Right after dinner, Gray caught Gajeel signaling him. He went and sat next to him.

"What was all that about earlier. I sense some advancements in your relationship... Gihihi." Gajeel elbowed Gray suggestively. 

"Yeah, well you should get your senses checked then." Gray crossed his arms.

"Wait, I thought you kissed her." Gajeel leaned forward.

"I did, but I shouldn't have." Gray said.

"Huh? Why not?" Gajeel tilted his head.

"I wasn't thinking. I walked her home, she thanked me, and then I kissed her. I don't know what came over me. I just...Gah! I don't know what to do." Gray explained.

"Hmmm." Gajeel rested his chin on the table. "So then what were you talking about so intensely?"

"She told me that we could forget about it."Gray also put his chin on the table beside Gajeel. The two talked about what he could do for a long time. Eventually, Mira came over to them. 

"You guys should head home. It's getting late and everyone else is gone." She said sweetly. 

"Okay." They responded. The two parted and went home. 

Gray opened the door to his apartment and stepped inside, his cat greeting him. He went into his bathroom and got into the shower.

'This is a mess.' He thought to himself as the cold water ran over him.'Why did I do that? I'm such a fool. She said that she doesn't think of me any differently... But what if she just said that to make me feel better? No, I wouldn't doubt what she says. She would never do that.' He finally got out and paced around aimlessly. Something glowing beside his bed caught his eye. He walked over to it and saw that it was his bracelet.

"Lucy." He breathed as he snatched it and put it on his wrist. He ran out the door and to Lucy's house.

When he got there, the door was knocked off it's hinges and there was evidence of a struggle. He searched the house, but didn't find Lucy. He saw that there was a half-written page of her novel on her desk with a big ink mark on it. Like she was working on it when someone attacked her. He followed the direction of the disturbed furniture and out the door. He followed the faint footprints in the slush that covered Magnolia as the seasons changed from winter to spring and found himself going up a path to the cliff over the ocean. 

His bracelet glowed brightly as he came to the cliff and he spotted two people in dark robes bringing Lucy to the edge of the cliff. Her hands were bound and she was gagged. They noticed him and pushed Lucy off the cliff before Gray got to them. He jumped off the cliff, creating an ice formation under him that let him glide on top of it. He caught up with Lucy, who was falling with her eyes closed and tears streaming out of her eyes. In Gray's eyes, she was the image of an angel falling from heaven. He caught her, bringing both of them back up to the top of the cliff. He set her down carefully and attacked her captors. 

Lucy opened her eyes, seeing ice and a soft glow of blue-ish light. Two things that made her feel so protected, but then her vision went dark again.

Gray could tell that whoever hired these people did it with as little money as possible, because they were relatively easy to take down. After he finished with them, He ran to Lucy.

"Lucy! Hey, are you okay? Lucy!" He called her name. Her eyes opened and she stood, slamming herself against him and hugging him tightly.

"Gray!" Tears poured from her eyes.

"Oh, thank God." He hugged her back.

"I thought I was going to die." She buried her face in his chest.

"So did I." He said. He slowly walked her home and helped her clean her house back up.

"You can stay here tonight if you want to." She offered. "It's the least I can do." 

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yup." She smiled. 

Gray never thought that he could get a better night's sleep on a couch than on his bed at home.

"Gray. Wake up. Come onnnnn..." Lucy shook Gray's shoulder.

"Hmm?" He finally woke up. 

"Come on! Get up!" Lucy giggled.

"Alright, alright." He stood.

"So... What do  you wanna do?" She asked.

"It's saturday, right?" He asked her.

"Um... Yeah." She said after thinking for a moment.

"Then we can do whatever we want, right?" He smirked at her.

"Mmhmm!" She smiled back.

"Let's go prank Natsu!" He suggested.

"I've tried before, but it didn't work." She said.

"Ah, but I know exactly what to do..." He rubbed his hands together.

"Really..." A devious glint shined in her eyes.

"Follow me." He instructed. They spent the day setting up traps in Natsu's house and watched him run into every single one from a safe distance. He carefully went into his bedroom and read the note that they left on his bed.

"GRAYYYYYY!!!" He screamed to the heavens, sniffing the two pranksters out and chasing them hysterically all over Magnolia.

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