The House in The woods: Day 3 and 4

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        Erza was the first to wake up that day. She got up and looked through the door into Gray and Lucy's room. She smiled when she saw them facing each other, Lucy snuggled up against him and his arm around her. She wondered when they will finally realize that they liked each other. She woke Natsu up and then they got dressed. They heard Gray yawn and looked through the door. He was looking down at Lucy, playing with her hair. He didn't notice that they were watching him, so he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. Luckily, she didn't wake up. Erza put her hand up to her face and tried not to make any noise. Gray nudged her shoulder. Her eyes opened and met his.

        "Good morning." He smiled. 

        "Hi." She yawned. They got up and got dressed. Gray took a shower and Lucy went to make breakfast. Erza nearly told her what Gray did before he woke her up, but she kept it to herself. Lucy made omelettes and served them.

        After breakfast, Lucy and Erza dusted and swept the house. Gray and Natsu busied themselves with outdoor tasks. After lunch, it started to rain. Gray and Natsu came inside, soaking wet.

        "Wow, is it raining that hard?" Lucy said as she saw her drenched friends.

        "Yeah" Gray said as he took off his dripping shirt.

        "Gray, your shirt." Erza said.

        "I know. I took it off on purpose." He said as he went to get dry clothes. Natsu followed him. They came back a couple minutes later.

        "What should we do now?" Natsu asked.

        "You could help us clean." Erza said.

        "I'm gonna take a nap." Natsu completely ignored Erza.

        "That sounds good." Gray said. Natsu flopped on the nearest chair and Gray made his way to the couch. Erza and Lucy exchanged glances and went back to cleaning. They dusted the tops of cabinets and then re-arranged the books in the large bookshelf. When they were finally done, they had an hour left until it was time to prepare dinner. They looked around and saw that there was nothing else to clean. Lucy walked over to the massive bookshelf. She selected a book and sat in the chair opposite the couch Gray was asleep on. 

        "What's that?" Erza asked over her shoulder.

        "It's called 'The Wizard of Light' I thought it looked cool, so I'm going to read it." Lucy explained.

        "Oh, that does sound interesting. I think I will sketch some new armor." She got out her sketchbook and flipped to a new page. After a while, Lucy looked up when she heard Gray stir. He woke up and sat, reclined comfortably, on the couch.

        "Nice nap?" She asked.

        "Yup." After a couple minutes he stretched and cracked his back. Lucy got up and went to the kitchen. She began making burgers and fries. The smell of food woke Natsu up. They ate dinner, took showers, changed into pajamas, then went to bed.

        In the middle of the night, Lucy bolted up. She looked around and sighed 'Just a bad dream' she thought. She looked over met Gray's confused gaze.

        "Bad dream?" He guessed.

        "Yeah. Sorry I woke you up." She responded.

        "It's fine. Are you okay?" He asked. Lucy nodded and laid back down beside him. A couple minutes later, She bolted up again. Gray put his hand on her shoulder.

        "Lucy, are you sure you're okay?" Gray sounded concerned.

        "I don't know." She said.

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