Sleep over at Lucy's

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Lucy woke up at the usual time and walked to the guild. When she got there, Natsu and Gray burst out the door, rolling on each other. 'They're at it again' Lucy thought and walked through the door.

"Hey, Lu-chan!" Levy ran up to her. " When is the next part of your book gonna be finished?"

"I'm almost done with it." Lucy smiled. Levy told her not to rush herself and skipped back to where Gajeel was sitting. Lucy sat down at their usual table with Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Carla.

"Hey Lucy." Erza said.

"Hi." She greeted. A couple minutes later, Gray and Natsu started fighting again.

"Boys." Erza said as she looked over at them. The two boys linked arms and cheered,

"Let's be the best of friends like always, right Natsu?" Gray said frantically.

"Aye!" Natsu said. The two sat down at the table and Mira came over.

"Can I get anything for you guys?" She said sweetly.

"Iced coffee, please." Gray said

"Can I have a Strawberry milkshake?" Lucy asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back with those." Mira walked off.

"Hey, I just got a great idea!" Wendy said.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

"We should have a sleep over!" She cheered.

"That sounds like fun." Erza said. Gray and Natsu nodded.

"Where could we have it?" Lucy asked. They all turned and looked at her." Fine, we can have it at my place."

"Who should we invite?" Erza asked.

"Cana, Levy, and Juvia I guess." Lucy said. Gray's shoulders sagged when she said 'Juvia'. He knew he would never be left alone for over a minute if she was there.

"Okay, what time should we get there?" Wendy said excitedly.

"Whenever." Lucy said.

After she finished her milkshake and invited Levy, Juvia, and Cana, she went home to clean.

"I have to clean all this before they get here!" She said to Plue.

"Pun puun!" The small spirit said. Lucy cleaned for a half an hour, then made lunch for herself. The first person to arrive was Erza at about four o'clock. Gray and Natsu got there fifteen minutes later. Wendy and Juvia came at four thirty. As soon as Juvia saw Gray, she clung onto his arm and wouldn't let go. Levy was the next one there.

"Cana couldn't make it. she said she had something else to do." Levy told the others.

"I was looking forward to her drunken hysteria." Gray said.

"Juvia can get drunk and hysterical for you." Juvia moved closer to Gray.

"Please don't." Gray moved away.

"So what should we do?" Natsu asked.

"We should play a game!" Wendy suggested.

"Oh! I've got one!" They all sat in a circle on the floor and Lucy got out a bottle. " Spin the bottle!" She put the bottle in the middle of the circle and sat down.

"Who goes first?" Gray asked.

"Well we're in Lu-chan's house, so that means she goes first." Levy said.

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