Gray's House

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        "I left my key in my house and the landlady locked the door." Lucy said.

        "Can't you just ring the doorbell and have her unlock it for you?" Gray asked.

        "She's already asleep by now, and If i wake her up, she'll raise my rent." Lucy shivered at the thought of waking her up again.

        "Oh... Well, I guess you can stay at my place for the night." He scratched the back of his head.

        "Are you sure? You don't have to." Lucy said.

        "No. It's okay." He started walking down the street and Lucy followed by his side. After a couple minutes, it began to snow.

        "Look, It's snowing!" Lucy held her hands out and caught the white snowflakes.

        "It's almost winter." Gray said. They continued walking. Lucy shivered. She didn't bring a coat with her and it was getting colder every night. Gray took off his long white coat and put it around her."Here. You need it more than I do."

        "Are you sure?" Lucy asked.

        "I don't get cold like you do. To me, this is perfect weather." He stated

        "Oh, I forgot." She laughed. She pulled it tighter around herself. "Mmm this smells good"

        "Hm?" Gray asked. He didn't hear what she had said.

        "Your coat smells really good." She said again.

        "Oh, that's my cologne." He said.

        "What scent is it?" Lucy asked. She had never smelled that in the stores.

        "Um... It's...Mystic Sterling, or something like that." He said.

        "Ooh. It sounds expensive." She took a deep breath of it again.

        "It was." They continued walking for a couple minutes, then stopped in front of an apartment building. " Here we are." He said. It was a blue building with white trim around the windows and door. He walked up to the door and unlocked it. He opened the door and began to walk up the stairs. He stopped on the second floor and opened the first door on the left. He led Lucy through the door and closed it behind her. She looked around. They were currently in a decent sized room with a couch, bookshelf, and a couple small tables with lamps on them.

        "This is the living room." He strode to the middle of the room.

        "This is nice." Lucy said.

        "Thanks." Gray walked to one of the two doors that branched off the living room."This is the kitchen." It was simple, painted white and light yellow. It had a sink, fridge, stove/oven, and  some cupboards. Then he led her to the next room."This is my room" He opened the door and they walked in. It was a lot cleaner than she had expected it to be. The bed wasn't made, but it still looked better than she expected. The room was light blue, with black trim. There was a big black dresser, and a closet. Another door that was connected to his room was the bathroom. It was all white and had a shower, toilet, and sink.

        "This is a really nice place." Lucy complimented.

        "I like it." He led her back to the living room where they sat on the couch."So..." He said.

        "Wait... I just noticed something." Lucy scratched her chin.        

        "What is it?" Gray asked.

        "Why don't you have any training equipment in here? Natsu has stuff all over his house." She pointed out.

        "I do my training up on the mountains outside of town. I have a little shed up there with some stuff in it." He explained.

        "On top of the mountains?!" Lucy's eyes widened.

        "Yes. On top of the mountain." He confirmed. He sighed, obviously comfortable in his house."We will probably both have to sleep on my bed if you don't mind."

        "That's okay. It's better than sleeping on the floor or a chair." She laughed. They both took showers. Gray gave her a shirt, and she wore it more like a night-gown."Thanks for lending me your shirt." She said as they climbed into bed. The bed was a bit small, and their shoulders touched. Gray turned onto his side, facing Lucy. Lucy also turned on her side to make more room, facing him. Moonlight and starlight shone through the windows and cascaded over them as they both drifted off to sleep.

        The next morning, Gray woke up earlier than he planned. He went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. He went back into his room to wake Lucy up once it was done. He sat down on one side of the bed and gently shook her shoulder.

        "Lucy, It's time to get up." He said softly. She grunted and yawned, then opened her eyes.

        "Wha- where am I?" Sh scratched her head." Oh, right."

        "Good morning." Gray said.

        "Morning." Lucy stood up and stretched. She walked into the bathroom and put her clothes back on. When she came out, she handed Gray's shirt to him.

        "Thanks for letting me stay here." She said.

        "No problem." He said. They grabbed some coffee and headed off to the guild.

        When they finally got there, Gray held the door for Lucy. She smiled and entered.

        "Good Morning everyone!" She greeted.

        She got a bunch of replies, and then she walked over to the bar where Mira stood.

        "Hi, Guys." Mira smiled sweetly. " Can I get you anything?"

        "No thank you." Lucy said.

        "Anything for you?" Mira askedd Gray.

        "No, thanks." Gray said. Mira scuttled away to serve someone else. He turned to Lucy.

        "I still can't believe that Sting confessed to you like that." He said.

        "What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

        "If you're going to confess to a girl, you should tell them in person. Letters and notes are for people who are scared to look you in the eyes and say it." He paused." And people who don't act like themselves in front of you, you can't trust what they say because it could just be their fake character and not them."He said.

        "Oh. I never thought about it that way." Lucy said.

        "So what are you guys talking about?" Mira put her elbows on the bar and rested her chin in them.

        "Gray was telling me how Sting should have confessed to my face, not in a letter." Lucy explained.

        "Oh, yes." She smiled."Wait..." Mira leaned closer to Lucy and sniffed, then she sniffed Gray."Why do you smell like Gray's cologne?" She asked Lucy.

        "What?" Lucy sniffed herself and realized that she smelled like Gray's Mystic Silver cologne. Mira gasped.

        "Did you..." 

        "No!"  Gray and Lucy said at the same time.

        "Okay, good."She calmed down." But why do you smell like him then?"

        "Well, I left my key in my house, and the landlady had locked the door. Then Gray let me stay at his house for the night." Lucy explained." He didn't have a very big couch or a guest room, so we had to sleep in the same bed." 

        "Oh. I see." Mira giggled."Okay, you can continue your original conversation." 

        "So, If I was going to confess to someone, I would do It right to their face. Or I could make a big ice display or fireworks for them." Gray said.

        "Oh, that's really nice." Lucy pictured it in her mind.

        "That's so sweet." Mira commented. They lounged about for the rest of the day, and Lucy got home before the Landlady locked the door.

        "See ya tomorrow." Gray waved.

        "Yep. Bye." Lucy said as she walked in her door.

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