Day 21 (Tuesday)

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***Deku's POV***

"Bye mom!.." I waved her off as I ran off. I can hear her say something like "Izuku! Please don't run down the way to the stairs! You might trip!" but I ignored her and kept running anyway.

I stepped out onto the ground and kept on running.


"What is it, Ichimon?" I asked.

"I swear I smell some blood nearby.."

"Blood? Probably mine."

"Its not yours. Its someone else's."

"Ichimon is right. I can sense it too."

Curiously, I slowed down and eventually stopped on my tracks.

"Where?" I asked in a demanding tone.

"On that alleyway."

Ichimon said and I slowly walked over to the said alleyway.

What I saw suprised me...

Can someone guess what it is? <( ̄︶ ̄)>

***Third Person's POV***

The green eyes of the greennette widened as he saw a homicidal sight, but what suprised the lad the most is the silvernette standing on top the limped body with a psychotic smile. "Don't ever talk about him like that ever again." He said, he's voice being a little demonic that made the greennette to flinched.

"This is interesting."

Ichimon smirked.

"Isn't that the same person from yesterday though?"

Nimon asked in disbelief.

"No wonder I sensed something else about him.."

He added. "What do you mean?" Izuku asked the second demon.

"He had this demonic scent, and you may not know it but his quirk 'Bloodbound' is one of a kind."

"Why? What can it do anyway?"

"Its like he said yesterday. Its a emitter quirk that uses blood to be activated. But, he didn't say that it can control someone with it."

"Eitherway, its a very dangerous quirk that need a lot of training to master."

After hearing that, the greennette went quest and looked up to see the silvernette cleaning himself up the best he could. He noticed that he's wearing the school uniform and it has some blood stains on it.

"Ugh.. Blood's splattered everywhere." He cursed. He placed his hand over his uniform and said "Disappear." then all of a sudden the blood stains on his uniform disappeared. This made the hiding greennette shocked.

"I'll... probably need to go now...." As he informed his demons about it, his eyes landed on the deceased body and his eyes widened and it started being clouded with tears.

"Uraraka chan..."

He didn't know what to do. He just stood there and quietly crying as he saw one of his bestfriends laying on the harsh ground, swimming on her own blood.

"Want me to kill him for you?~"

"No. I'm not that kind of person." As he said that, he started running off as fast as he could away from the scene.

But little does he know, the silvernette sensed him with the help of his quirk.

He clicked his tongue, "Now he's afraid of me." He said, cursing at himself for being careless.


It is before class start when a certain blunette asked for the brunette girl. Izuku well known where she is but stood quiet as he mourn about the death of one of his bestfriends by himself.

The rest of the day is pretty much him being distant to the others.

I'm sorry if it looks weird on some screens... ><"

The next chapter will be published later or tomorrow

💕🖤Bye Sirens🖤💕

(548 words)

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