Day 30 (。•́︿•̀。)

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(I'm sorry if it'll be weird on some screens)

***Third Person's POV***

"Wake up bunny"

A certain black-haired demon tried to wake up a sleeping bunny.

It seems like the bunny won't wake up anytime soon.


An hour later and the bunny woke up from his slumber.

"Jeez, I thought you're already having your eternal sleep."

Ichimon said jokingly. But the bunny is too tired to take the joke and lazily walked out of its living quarter.

"Good morning Izuku!~" a certain blonde female walked up to the bunny and hugged him rather tightly, letting some sleepiness out from the said bunny. He groaned, as if, telling the blonde female to let go from the the tight hug. "Oh I'm sorry!" She apologized, letting go.

"Good morning son! Come eat breakfast with us!" The bunny heard his mother spoke, walking out from the kitchen and did the same thing that the blonde female did. And he did the same thing for it to end. "What's wrong with them??" He thought, somehow forgetting that this will be the last day he will be with them.

They all entered the kitchen and sat on the dining chairs, just when the bunny noticed a certain blonde. "K-Kachan?!" He asked rather loudly in disbelief. The said male huffed and groaned. "Dumbass.." he muttered. Sadly, the bunny heard it.

They eat breakfast quietly until the blonde female started a conversation, "After eating, we will go to the amusement park. So~, Izuku, take a shower or atleast changed into something else." She said, rather demanding, well atleast for the mentioned male. "Ok.." he answered quietly and continued eating his breakfast.


"Izuku! Are you ready?" A greennette female asked the said male. "Yeah." He simply answered as he stood up from fixing his shoes.

"Let's go!" The blonde female exclaimed, leading the way towards her car.


"So~ which ride do you want to ride first? Your pick." The blonde female asked the bunny. The bunny thought about it, looking around the massive park. "How about the roller coaster?" He asked them. "Roller coaster it is!" Both females said at the same time, walking towards the entrance of the said ride, both the boys following close behind. They waited for the line until it was their turn to go ride it along with a few more unknown people.


"That was so fun!" Exclaimed the female pomeranian. "It is!" The mother bunny agreed. "It was fun not gonna lie." The male pomeranian agreed aswell. The bunny agreed too.

"Welp! Let's go get something to eat! Since we came here just an hour before lunch and all." The female pomeranian suggested and the others agreed.


After the four of them ate lunch, they rest for a bit by talking– well, while the other three were talking and laughing together, the male pomeranian was just on his phone scrolling through his feed on Instagram.

After resting, they went to ride more rides.

⟩⟩ 8:57 PM ⟨⟨

They are currently laying on a blanket over the green grass as they looking at the night sky — stargazing. "The stars are so beautiful tonight, aren't they?" Wondered the female pomeranian. "It is.." said both the mother bunny and the son bunny.

⟩⟩ 10:42 PM ⟨⟨

"I'm getting sleepy..." The male bunny thought as his eye lids became heavy by the second.

"Woah there! Won't you say goodnight to me and Nimon first?"

Ichimon proposed.


"Please bunny.."

The black demon pleaded.



"It was fun meeting you guys– even though Nimon killed someone..."

"No, Izuku! I killed him, for you!"

"I didn't told you to kill him. And, I'm still angry at you."


"I'll miss you guys though."

"Aw~ I'll miss you too bunny~"

Said Ichimon.

"I'll... I'll miss you too..."

Said Nimon.

The rest of the night was just both the females recollecting memories with both the males.

⟩⟩ 11:47 PM ⟨

"Hey, son, remember when you came home with bruises all over but you still smiled?" (I'm making this up btw even though its somewhat canon) the mother bunny asked her son, petting(?) him on the head. All the while, the female pomeranian is looking at both bunnies. "Yeah.." the son bunny answered quietly and lazily. The others noticed this but still smiled.

"Hey... Izuku?" The male pomeranian called out for his childhood friend. "Yeah....Kachan?...." he replied. "Hey uhm.. I'm sorry... for everything.... I'm sorry for bullying you.... hurting you....–" he apologized but was cutted off by the male bunny, "Its alright..... Kachan...." He said to him, still having that same tone from before.

"Hey min'na...." He started, "Don't cry.... I'm just gonna go to sleep that's all..." he ended, his eyes closing.

"Izuku no! Please don't close them!" Plead his mother.

"Izuku! Don't you dare close them!" Ordered his aunt.

"Hey nerd don't you dare close your eyes ya hear me?!" Said his childhood friend and first love.

"Hey look up min'na.... the midnight sky is so beautiful...... isn't...... it?..." he said, looking up the dazzling night sky. "I will soon be one of them...." he continued. "No no! Don't say that!" The others pleaded.



At this point, the others are crying hard. The mother bunny hugging her son's sleeping body as she cry. The aunt crying on her palms. The childhood friend crying as he shouted random things.

All in all, that night was the last time they will be able to be with the male bunny..

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Hey min'na san!
This is the end of this ff. Meaning, I won't be doing an epilogue or a sequel (even though you don't mind that)
'Till next time min'na!!

💕🖤Bye Sirens🖤💕

(950 words)

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