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"ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘᴏʟɪᴛᴇɴᴇss ᴀɴᴅ ᴋɪɴᴅɴᴇss, ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ɴɪᴄᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ."
― Roy T. Bennett

We ventured in the direction that we last saw Katniss run to

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We ventured in the direction that we last saw Katniss run to. Rue had suggested that we form an alliance with the girl on fire and I believed it would be a good idea, if she hadn't already passed.

"Back home my Mother used to braid my hair before I went to bed and she would tell me all these stories from when she was younger. I want to be like her when I'm older." She skipped over tree roots. She seemed too carefree for the situation we were in.

"I'm sure she will be proud of you no matter what you do." I knew I was proud of her. How could you not be?

I pushed away a branch and I was shocked at the sight I was seeing. I didn't think she would be gone this soon. Katniss Everdeen laid on the ground, an arrow through her stomach. Before Rue could get a glimpse of the scene in front of me, I turned around and pushed her away. "Katniss is dead." She was upset, that much was clear. "I think you should get to higher ground. I'd feel better with you out of the Careers sight." I rubbed her back gently as she let out some tears. On numerous occasions I had caught Rue staring in 12's direction, she followed her around like a lost puppy during training.

"What about you?" I knew she just wanted everyone to be safe, but I'd risk my life for hers any day.

"I'll be fine. You can scout the area whilst I go get food." With a small nod from her I left, waiting until she got a safe distance in the trees before fleeing.

I had made it back to my cave in a short amount of time having already memorized the area. I had grabbed a few things that I had left over and shoved them into my bag just in case I was in need of these minor things in future time. Just as I was about to leave, I heard the same voices that I dreaded the most. I couldn't run out because I would be spotted, so the only place to go was under the small compartment hidden behind the thick vines. I pulled everything in with me under the tight space as the group came to a stop. "Why are you so obsessed with killing that boy from 12, he's not going to be able to go up against us. We can easily end his life; we should focus on 13 and the boy from 11." Clove's voice was easily recognizable amongst the chatter.

"Well, what about your obsession with 14? She's all you have spoken about since we killed 12." Glimmer's voice was higher than the rest and it was hard to miss. My heart fluttered at the thought of Clove talking about me even in the slightest bit.

"Because 1. I made a promise that as soon as I was finished with the girl on fire then she would be the next on my list to die. I'm keeping my word." My heart dropped as soon as she mentioned that I was going to be killed, it was like I had finally let reality hit me. The only thing Clove wants from me is my blood on her knife and all I wanted was for Clove to pay the smallest bit of attention to me and I was happy. We were on opposite ends of the scale, that was for sure.

"Sure, you just don't want to admit that you have a liking towards the girl." Here Glimmer was getting my hopes up for a violent girl who wanted nothing to do with me. Curse feelings.

"Keep talking and I won't hesitate to throw this knife at you." Her words were filled with venom as she spoke, nothing but pure hatred towards the blonde girl.

That was the last I heard of them because they continues on the path down the river. I waited a few extra minutes before I finally exited the cave. They were nearby so I had to keep watch, and now I had no clue where Rue was, and I was starting to regret the idea of splitting up.

My hand was sweaty as I latched onto the axe as tightly as possible. My knuckles turning white at the grip I had on the handle. I focused mainly on the noises around me, listening for any crunch of the leaves or twigs snapping.

To my surprise I made it all the way back to the cornucopia. Supplies was piled up in a clump surrounded by suspicious bits of dirt dug up on the ground. Something was put by those dirt patches and I couldn't quite see what it was. "We need to get rid of it." I almost jumped out of the forest and let out a yelp at the sound of Rue's voice behind me. "You should have seen your face." She laughs quietly and I can't help but grin. At least someone's having fun.

"How are we supposed to destroy it?" It was near impossible to get rid of all their supplies without them catching us in the process.

"There are mines scattered all around the supplies. If we set off one of them, we should be able to get rid of all of it." That explained the misplaced dirt patches. The only question was how we are supposed to blow up the supplies without getting hurt in the process.

"I might be able to help you with that." Rue and I both jumped up and I got ready to swing if necessary, only to let a breath at the sight of Dawn and Kreed. I'd almost forgot that they were a part of the games. Rue looked at me and I knew she was wondering if we could trust them.

"Don't worry, they helped me out in training. They're clear." She nodded her head hesitantly but still looked up at them with smiles.

"So, what's the plan?"

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