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𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘, 𝕮𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖆, 𝕬𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

"ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴘᴜɴɪsʜᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀɴɢᴇʀ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴜɴɪsʜᴇᴅ ʙʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀɴɢᴇʀ."
- Buddha

I once again found myself on the rooftop

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I once again found myself on the rooftop. I'm not going to lie a little part of me hoped that I would get to see Clove again, even if she was going to talk about her new ways of ending my life. It comforted me being able to talk to her. Then I thought about my brother. Mateo would be so proud of me, I just know it. He'd be talking about how he could easily get a 12 and would rub in my face for the next few years. He always had to point out if he did better than me, even if sometimes I let him. it made him happy, and that was enough for me. "How'd you do it?" I jumped at the sound of the doors getting shoved open. I tried to hide the happiness that I felt when Clove stormed over to me.

"Sorry?" I had a guess that I knew what she was talking about, but it was funny to see her so mad.

"How'd you get a 9. How'd you do better than Glimmer. They've been training their whole lives for this and you only found out the Hunger games existed at the start of the week. So tell me, how did you do it?" She was fuming by the she got in front of me and I pondered what she would look like as a cartoon character. The steam from her nose would be visible and her face would be beet red.

"I threw an axe at the target and it went through." Why was I telling her this?

"How'd it go through? Those boards are supposed to be impossible to break." Her face of confusion was quickly replaced back with anger.

"Maybe mine was weaker." I didn't want the situation to escalate to the point where she wanted to kill me, but I didn't want her to storm out either.

"Don't think you'll be able to kill me with your axe. My knives are lighter than your weapons so I will easily kill you first. So will anyone in the Careers." I nodded my head in agreement. I'm not quite sure why she believed that I'd ever stand a chance against her. "I'm glad that you know. Don't worry I'm not killing you first anymore. First the girl on fire and the District 13 and then I'll have my way with you." With that she retreated back the way she came from. 'Don't worry'. Cute.


"For the interview I am going to have you in something similar to the parade. I'm thinking of natural beauty. Have you in very little makeup and a beautiful pink dress. For the hair we're going to add some flowers for decoration. Sound good?"

"Well, I can't really say no."


"Let's see if she does indeed shine. Lets have a warm round of applause for Glimmer." Glimmer was revealed on the TV in a pink frilly dress that looked a bit to short for show. Throughout the interview she played a flirty personality and was consistently trying to make moves on Ceaser. Next was Marvel who spent his interview making the crowd laugh. If not for the situation we were put in I would think he'd be a great friend. "Clove!" Her hair was done up and she was wearing a pink dress. She looked nice compared to her usual angry demeanor, it was definitely a sight. She kept more to herself only answering questions if need be. She had confidence in those little amount of words that were spoken. She was mysterious and that interest me. Cato kept up his usual cocky façade always having an answer ready.

The rest of the interview went by quick with Katniss twirling around and her dress lighting on fire and then Peeta confessing his love for the girl. Dawn was more open that I expected but Kreed was still silent as ever. Than it was my turn. "Lets give around of applause for Marlowe." Cheers was all I could hear as I walked to Ceaser. He had a warm smile on his face but the looks he was sending me made me uncomfortable. HIs gaze ran down my dress and than I sat down. "Wow. Don't you look amazing." His comment was followed by even louder cheering as flowers were thrown on stage. "Now, tell me how did you get your 9?" Anika had already informed me about all the questions they were asking and after hearing all the other interviews it was pretty easy to pick up what was going to be asked. "Do you have a lucky man at home that is waiting for your return." This was certainly an unexpected question as no one else but Cato had been asked about their relationship statuses.

"Nope." It was a simple answer, but I couldn't just say how I was developing minor feelings for a girl who will most likely kill me.

"So, that means your free?" The smirk on his face made me glad that the timer had went off for the end of my interview and with one last wave to the crowd I hurriedly walked off.

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