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They argued while I stared off in the distance

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They argued while I stared off in the distance. By argued I meant she spoke and he shook his head. Dawn wanted to go to the feast but Kreed was adamant on staying put. "Why not? We need that stuff!"

"Kreed's right, Dawn. It's just a setup by the Game makers to get us all closer." If anything was to happen I didn't want them to end on bad terms.

"I don't want to sit here and cower away every little thing. That's not how I was raised." She was determined to go and I knew there was no way of stopping her, but the least I could do was try.

"What if you get hurt, or killed? Then what?"

"Then I die. I'd rather be dead than have to go through any more pain from the capitol. I'm sorry Kreed, but I have to. I'd rather die knowing I tried than die knowing I did nothing."  He gave her a small nod before placing his lips on hers. He didn't want to agree, but once Dawn had her heart set on something than there was no way of stopping her.

"Well, can we at least plan this out?"


"So, if I hear or see anything and need help than I will call out. I don't want you both coming with me, okay? I won't be able to live with myself knowing someone I care deeply for gets hurt." Dawn knew she would have her way, she was used to everyone agreeing with her.

"I don't want you to get hurt though." I pleaded as much as I could to get the stubborn girl to listen, but it was no use.

"If I find out one of you followed me than I will kill you myself. You hear me?" I had this feeling in my stomach, she wouldn't come back. As much as I hoped that she would it was obvious there was to be a death at the Feast. If it wasn't Dawn than the only other person it could be was Glimmer or Clove, she couldn't take on anyone else. Clove. I wonder what she's doing.


Dawn had grabbed some supplies to take with her and had been gone for the past 10 minutes. Something was wrong. Between the two of us it was silent, both stressing over the girl risking her life. "I can't believe I let her go." It was meant to come out as as a whisper but by the look of guilt on Kreed's face I could tell he agreed.

A loud scream echoed throughout the forest. "Kreed!" Dawn.

Both Kreed and I ran as fast as we could to where the direction of the scream came from. As we reached the outskirts of the forest a cannon went off. The sight in front of us made me want to cry out. Thresh dropped Dawn's limb body on the ground.

Everything felt as if it was in slow motion. Creed ran towards the boy from District 11, nothing but anger in his movement. His sword was tightly gripped in his hand and I knew how this was going to go. Before the boy who had just killed Dawn could turn around, Kreed shoved his sword through his back, forcing it out the other end. His cannon went off and Kreed finally pulled out his sword. Blood dripped from the blade but that was the least of our concerns.

I ran towards Dawn's body and collapsed next to her. Her last words was her calling for help, and we couldn't get there in time. This was the second time I had failed someone and I was disappointed. They didn't deserve this. Rue didn't deserve this, Dawn didn't deserve this. No one did.

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