13. he was born to blow your mind

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I fidget with my phone nervously. It's almost 6 PM and I haven't heard from Alex yet, which is weird because he said the Puppets would have their soundcheck around that time. They should be at the Observatory already; why didn't he tell me yet?
I call him without success. The last thing I heard was him texting how bored he was with the interviews, earlier this afternoon.
I'm feeling impatient. I decide to start heading to the concert venue. I call for a ride.

I did all sort of random things to kill the time, to curb the excitement and to not overthink. Didn't work. I tought about Alex's words all day, feeling crazy butterflies in my stomach. I spent at least an hour picking out an outfit and I'm not convinced about it.
Oh, I called my mom back. Thankfully she got over what she saw. Oh mom...how I would like to tell you that I'm falling crazy in love. I need her guidance and insight now more than ever.

I jump off my cab to a very busy scene. Swarms of young people crowding the areas in front and around the venue. A big line to get the best spots in the front of the stage. I called Alex again from the car but still no reply. I text saying that I've arrived.
I set my pass around my neck and I proceed to the back, following Alex's directions.
The situation doesn't look too easy back there: a barricade is set up to keep the fans away from the back door and to leave a 'safe corridor' for the band to go in and out the tour bus, wich is parked there. There's a herd of fans hoping to get a glimpse of Alex or Miles.
Well shit. Looks like I have to make my way though that mess.

I find myself basically 'swimming' through the cluster of fluorescent adolescents. "Excuse me," I repeat pushing trough, making way with my arms through the crowd in Converse, trying not to fall from my red pumps.
I hear some faint music and the hint of a singing voice coming from inside. Soundcheck.

I finally reach the barricade and catch the attention of one of the security guys. I shove my pass in his face. He looks at it attentively, with a severe look. He turns his eyes on me briefly, without changing expression, then turns the pass upside down and checks the other side. Same face. What the fuck? It says 'GUEST'. Just let me in already.
"Where did you get this?" He asks harshly.
"I am with-" I realize I'm speaking loudly, so I move closer to the guy and lower my tone. "I'm with the band," I almost whisper, "they gave it to me. What's the problem with it?"
He looks at me raising his eyebrow, then scoffs. "Every fucking time."
"Escuse me? What's the problem?" I ask slightly irritated.
"I see this all the time, people trying to get in with fake guest passes. This one's very well done. You kids are gettin' good. Where do you find these? On some website?"
Ok, I'm getting pissed off now.
"Alright..." I look closer at his name tag, "...Kevin, I don't understand. I am with the band. I was given this guest pass. It looks real because it is! You're causing a problem here."
Fucking Kevin scoffs and moves away. "Hey!" I shout, but he ignores me.

I'm mad. I turn around and I lean with my back against the barrier with folded arms, letting out a stream of colorful invectives in Italian. I grab my phone. Still Nothing from Alex. What the fuck is going on?

Why no answer?
I'm outside, they won't let me in!!!

Ceci! She's inside for sure. We wanted to exchange numbers last time we met, but did we?
I look trough my contacts but she's not in there. Damnit.
I try to get a hold of Claudia and see if she can contact Jenny, her friend from the string section. But she's not responding. She's probably playing at her gig right now.
Those were my only options.

I notice the the young lady in knee socks next to me, snooping. "I love your outfit! So gorge!" She says when I look at her.
I opted for some high-waisted skinny black pants and a cute blouse tied at my waist. I completed with a small black leather jacket and red peep hole heels.
"Thank you." I only give her half a smile. I'm fuming at the situation.
"Are you with TLSP?" She asks timidly, looking at my pass.
"Ehm, no. No I'm not."
"So are you a journalist?"
"No, I'm just... I'm photographer." Hopefully this will curb her curiosity.
"And where's your camera?"
Oh jeez. I have enough problems, girl.
"I left it inside. I'm trying to go back in but Kevin here IS BEING PROBLEMATIC!" My voice raises gradually as I point to Kevin.
"Hey dude!!" the girl screams, "let the lady in! You asshole!"
He ignores us.
"Thank you sweetie, but he's enjoying being a dick."

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now