18. there's a set of rickety stairs in between my heart and my head

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****Warning: smutty center****

I love airports. It's one of those places that don't belong to anybody, a junction, a crossing point, where people just run through to go somewhere else. It's a place that I connect with excitement, for an on coming trip; with happiness, for seeing a loved one arrive; with homesickness, sometimes.

I walk along the gates of the International Arrivals terminal looking at the people running past me with bags, suitcases, backpacks and I wonder where they're going. I'm not going anywhere and yet, I am probably the happiest person here.

Vera let me go at lunch time. She didn't hesitate when I mentioned Alex, plus I worked long hours this week hoping to get a short day.
I arrived just in time, the Puppets flight landed not too long ago. They're probably still going through customs.
I keep checking my phone.

We're at LAX! You here?

I'm at the gate :)

Almost out

I get excited at every person coming out at the gate, impatient to see Alex. After an eternity I see him coming out with the others, walking with his typical strut, with a suitcase and a big guitar case. He's wearing jeans, tennis shoes and light blue jacket that looks like a kimono. His hair is messy and he looks tired, but the guy doesn't really need to try too hard to look handsome.
I take a folded paper out of my bag and I move right between a smart-dressed man holding a sign saying "Mrs. Haiko Takahashi" and a woman waiting for a "Dr. L. Brown".
A mother and her kid join our trio, holding a "Welcome back dad!" banner, and there I stand with


scribbled with a sharpie on a A4 sheet of paper.

I see Alex scanning the people waiting at the exit, until our eyes meet among the crowd.
His smile causes an overwhelming fluttering sensation in my stomach.
I see him reading my sign and laughing as he walks towards me.
"Hey pretty face," I greet him, I feel the grin on my face becoming huge. I want to jump at him out of happiness to see him. But I don't want to make a scene or be too much.
"You stole my line!" Alex protests. Oh that smile, how I missed it.

I throw the sign behind me as he puts his stuff down and surrounds me with one arm, while the other goes behind my neck, pulling me closer. I sneak my hands under his jacket, feeling his warmth, and I let my arms cross behind him. Our lips meet in a urgent but slow kiss. His fingers run through my hair. We part slightly and decide that wasn't enough.
"Ti prego di baciarmi un'altra volta," I suggest quietly. I'm not sure if he got the reference, but he does kiss me again.
I throw my arms around his neck as we hug tight. I barely acknowledge the people rushing around us as I inhale against his neck and his scent, and the smell of his hair, give me instant pleasure. I sigh of happiness.
"I missed you."
"The whole time I wish you were there with us," he replies.
"Me too."
"Awww..." I hear Ceci exclaiming behind me.

"Girl!" I turn around hugging her.
"We missed you Annie!" Miles greets me using a short for my name, as he leans in for a side hug. "How have you been?"
"Alright! I had a long, weird week this week, but it's behind me now."
"So did he!" Miles points smiling at his friend. Of course he knows, he's his best friend. We all share a look and chuckle nervously.

"Fuck I'm gonna go home and sleep until tomorrow," Loren says approaching us, rubbing his eyes.
"Ditto. "
"Yeah.. me too man," some of the others agree with him.
I feel Alex's arm sneaking around me as he rests his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. "Yeah same man," he says quietly. "But I do have some catching up to do."
I try not too laugh because I know what he's talking about.

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now